28 - Contract

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They were staying in a hotel room in the famous Gangnam district, Suga offered them to pay for their room, while they were taking some time to think about the proposal.

Taehyung was the only one that already made up his mind, before leaving for Seoul, he arranged with his parents to cover for him, while he would try to pursue his dream.

It was more complicated for Jungkook, he was torn between his two passions. You always know what you left behind but not what the future hold. He was really hoping that Jimin would help him, as he already went through this path.

As Taehyung left the room to go to the bar downstairs, Jungkook took the opportunity to confront Jimin.

"Jimin, how come you have been quiet the whole day?" He looked at him, hoping that he would finally tell him what he decided. "Are you going to accept?"

Jimin never felt more confused, back then he immediately accepted but now it was different, he made a promise to Nabi. "I don't know, it's not that simple. I ran away from all this and I don't know if I want to just go back into it"

"Is it because of Nabi?" He looked softly at Jimin, hoping that bringing Nabi in the conversation would not revive any anger. "You know, I am not sure to do it, if you don't". He was now looking down, feeling a bit embarrassed to pressure him.

Jungkook never seemed more vulnerable than at this moment, almost saying that he needed Jimin to pursue his dream. It was his dream to be a singer, that's for sure but he just needed someone to keep an eye on him.

Nabi choose this exact moment to call Jimin and he stepped outside on the balcony.

"Hi Mochi. Is everything going well in Seoul?" She paused, trying to pull together the courage she needed. "Do you have time to talk, there is something important I need to tell you?" She has finally made up her mind regarding the pregnancy and he needed to know.

"Nab, I am so happy to hear you. I am sorry that I left this way." He was indeed so happy to hear her voice that he barely paid attention to what she said. "The guys are waiting for me, can I call you a bit later?" Jungkook was waving and jumping on the other side of the window, miming that he was starving.

"Hm, sure. Call me back when you can." She was upset, it was not an easy conversation and she prepared herself. In the end, he already started to cast her aside.

"I love you, Nab"

Nabi hung up. Jimin stayed on the phone for a moment, just listening to the silence. 

She did not say it back

He wondered why but Jungkook did not let him think about it any further and dragged him back in the room.

"Please, let's go eat, I am about to passed out." Jungkook ironically simulated fainting.

"Yes, let's" Jimin grabbed Jungkook by his shoulders and they both went out the room to find Taehyung back in the lobby.

After eating dinner, Jungkook and Taehyung decided to watch their favorite show, they were already building a strong bond, no matter what, these guys were meant to be friends.

Jimin let them both and rushed to the other room to call back Nabi. It's only after they hung up that he realized she wanted to tell him something important.

"Nab, I am sorry" apologies again, he thought. 

"Hi, Mochi", she replied, but she seemed tensed. Jimin was relieved she was still calling him Mochi.

"You wanted to tell me something earlier, what was it? Is it good news? He sat comfortably on the bed, taking off his shirt.

Hm good, that depends on you. She took a deep breath "Mochi, I am ..." but the words could not come out, they were stuck in her throat.

"You what, Nab?" He softly asked, he could sense she was struggling with something, she was heavily breathing on the phone. "You can talk to me, Nab"

"I a-am very happy for you. I wanted to apologize for last time, I should not have told you all this, you need to do what makes you happy". She tried to smile through the phone, while the tears were running down her face.

"Don't apologize, it's ok." He swore he could hear her crying over the phone. It's finally Nabi's blessing that help him made up his mind and he decided to tell her about Suga's proposal. "I have also good news".

"Oh, tell me", she tried to pull herself together, wiping off the tears.

"Suga proposed to all of three to be part of a new group. Taehyung and Jungkook are very thrilled."

"And you?" She asked, but deeply she did not want to hear his answer even if she already knew it.

"Jungkook needs me, it's going to be very hard and I will be able to help him. I went through this." He paused, knowing very well it was not the kind of news she wanted to hear.

"Hum... I am very happy for you" She barely said the words, she knew it would be the outcome of this trip to Seoul but still it hurts so much.

"Nab, it won't change anything, I swear. I made you a promise."

"You know the problem with promises, it's not about making them, it's about keeping them."

"I know, trust me." He was almost begging her. He wished he could hug her right now to prove her he would do things right.

Nabi could not bear to lose him, not now, that she was carrying their child, she pulled herself together and did what she has to. 

"I trust you, Mochi. I will support you the best I can. And never forget that the person who love you the most is waiting for you in Busan." 

Come back to us, she whispered without him being able to hear.

"You will be forever my Magic Shop, I love you." He knew that he was playing with fire and that he will probably not be able to keep his promise.

"Love you, too". They both hung up and Nabi stayed still for a while, watching Busan lights through the window.

I guess, it is just going to be us two for now, she thought looking down to her reflection in the window.

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now