꒰ strawberry ꒱

218 9 11

The professor handed everyone the checked tests back

The professor gave the test to Niki and  sunoo

"Sunoo could u teach him ?
Niki is really doing poor in chemistry" the professor spoke standing above their seats

(Yes sunoo and Niki sat together once again )

Niki blushed a deep red embarrassed at the sheet the professor showed of his  test to sunoo

"Of course I can ,sir If he wants me to.." sunoo smiled politely ignoring his inner self that's dying inside,out of happiness.

"Okay.." Niki mumbled the color red still not fading away from his cheeks

"Thank you so much sunoo for doing me this favour" the professor smiled

"No problem" sunoo smiled

Sunoo could already hear the whispers in the class,loud enough for him to hear

"He probably begged the professor to say this just to be close with niki" the girls behind them joked

Sunoo swallowed the want to bawl his eyes out

Niki probably heard the people gossiping about him and sunoo
And maybe he did notice the glassy eyes of the boy Infront of him

"H-hey ignore them,and thank you for being my tutor" Niki placed this hand on sunoo's in a comforting manner not knowing how many things it did to sunoo's poor heart

"Your welcome and it's okay I'm used to this" sunoo spoke 

"No it's not okay u shouldn't be treated like this"

sunoo blushed looking at their hands

Niki looked at sunoo's eyes, following his eyes leading him to see  their hands resulting him in pulling away his hand rubbing his neck awkwardly

And the rest of the period ended up in both of them avoiding eachothers eyes and ignoring the loud beating of their hearts


Jay for the first time came early to his class sitting on the second seat of the second row

Since the class was still quite empty,jay decided to revise the test he had today

Finally students began to fill up the empty chairs jay looked up at jungwon who sent a smirk his way and sat beside him

"Go sit with the boy u sat with yesterday" jay mumbled fiddling with the pen in his hands

"Oh! Were u jealous?" Jungwon nudged jongseong

"Please" jay rolled his eyes reading the book Infront of him-

"It's upside down" jungwon smirked turning the book right

Leaving a very red faced jongseong trying his best to cover himself behind his note book


Sunghoon nervously pressed the bell of the door

he had been standing here for the past 10 minutes considering if he should ring it or not

But he had no choice,
he had to do it or he would probably fail this year.

The door opened after a minute with his classmate who's hair was drenched in water

"S-sorry I was in the shower come on inn" Jake smiled welcoming him in

Sunghoon smiled back looking around the house to see no one

"Uh I'm sorry for being noisy but are u home alone?" Sunghoon awkwardly asked

"No no it's okay my dad goes on business trips he'll come next week so yes I'm home alone " Jake led him to his bed room which screamed his personality

It was filled with the color brown and cream white

"Make ur self comfortable I'll go get u something. Since it's winter, would u like coffee or hot chocolate?" Jake asked standing in the door frame

"I am not big on coffee so hot chocolate would be good" sunghoon smiled

"Omg sameee I love hot chocolate more than coffee" Jake gasped giggling

(#unpopular opinions wait what do you guys like more?)

When Jake came back he gave the warm cup for sunghoon to hold resulting in both of their hands to brush against eachother

Both of them blushed a deep red averting eyes to the mugs of hot chocolate

And the rest of the evening and night ended amazing sunghoon usually found it hard to get comfortable with people early

But with Jake he felt like they have been best friends for over a decade now


You guys are about to beat my ass BUT hi I'm alive and HAPPY NEW YEARR

I'm so sorry for not updating for almost an year lmao I'm really really sorryy I promise to update a lot moreee

And JSJDJDJDJDJD 1.05 k views JSNDJDNDJDNCJCNJC THANK THANK U SO MUCH 😭no cuz srlsy how the fuck did u read this? I was just reading the first chapter and the grammar mistakes- gawd

Butt anyways I love u guys so much, thank u and I hope u have a great year

Oh and do tell me which ship's  story is ur favorite!

Thank u once again and love uu, sleep earlyy

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