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Sunoo paced back and forth

After many breakdowns sunoo decided to confess to Niki

And today he will do just that

How will he confess?

Oh well when it was the time to tutor Niki sunoo asked him If he could come to the classroom

With shaking hands and a crazy beating heart sunoo waited patiently not sure if he should confess RightNow, was it a good time?

The door opened

Okay now or never sunoo gulped

"Hi! So what did you want to tell me ?"Niki spoke walking up to him

Sunoo couldn't feel his leg hell he wouldn't be surprised if he fell on his face and embarrassed himself Infront of Niki

Fuck what if he said no?

Sunoo shook off all the negative thoughts as he took a step forward he actually saw the height difference between the two

"Uhh i- I really don't know how to say this but I l-like you umigetitifyoudontwannatalktomeanymoreimsorryokayijustcouldnt-".

before sunoo could blabber nonsense any further Niki grabbed his tiny waist and kissed him

Niki brushed sunoo's brown hair between his fingers as he pulled in deeper kissing him softly making sunoo heart do backflips if it weren't for Niki's hand around his waist sunoo would have fell

All of the sudden the door opened revealing noone other than park jay the two boys in the classroom pulled away quickly looking at the culprit who just like them looked flustered

"O-o my fucking gawd I'm sorry please continue I'm gonna go" jay gave an awkward smile closing the door and running away

The now alone two boys looked everywhere but each other  how do you communicate with a human being sunoo really wanted to search on Google right then

"Uh- m-my friends are waiting for me at the table in gonna go then" Niki scratched his head with face red as a tomato

"Oh,oh okay" sunoo gave a small smile  with big eyes

Niki walked away awkwardly as sunoo looked at him going away

So what now? Sunoo thought were they dating now ? Did Niki like him back WHAT IS HAPPENING this is even more confusing than before

Jay walked through the corridors sipping on chocolate milk. He had a lot to talk about with sunoo regarding what he saw at lunch

The school had ended

Jay plodded aimlessly as he waited for sunoo to come out of his last class when suddenly his hand was pulled.

"H-hey!" Jay gasped

Jay looked up annoyed at the person who pulled him suddenly and was not at all surprised when he saw jungwon.

But he felt his tense body become lose as soon as he saw jungwon and he let him pull his hand

Jay almost felt sad when jungwon left his hand but when he saw where he brought him, a smile rested on his face

The roof top.

Jake looked at his  nail from which blood was leaking out. He accidentally pushed his locker door and his finger accidentally came in between

Jake hissed as he walked through the corridors on his way to the school's infirmary

He was looking at his finger when he felt himself hitting someone's chest (damn spicy spicy)

Ffs pls I cannot deal with this rn

Jake groaned internally but his mood switched when he saw sunghoon,who was looking at finger with concern

"Omg what happened!?" Sunghoon held Jakes finger gently which made Jake feel all sorts of things, things he can't and couldn't figure out the past week

"My finger came in between my locker" Jake embarrassedly looked away cursing himself for being so stupid

"Ow that must've hurt come-on let me take you to the infirmary" sunghoon grabbed his other hand gently like it was injured too Jake blushed pink and went with him

The nurses were no where to be found when they entered

"Oh well it's okay it doesn't  hurt that much we're getting late for class"Jake shook it away as his heart beat increased

"No come here I'll do it for you" sunghoon sat Jake down on the plain white bed as he sat beside him

Jake looked at sunghoon as the sun rays fell upon him making him look godlier than he already was

Fuck I think I like him  Jake groaned internally as his heart beat rapidly.


Omggggssbsnhdfn hi I'm alive after so so long I've finally updated and I'd like to thank lamegame_33 and
RafaelaMarianoDAvila for reminding me that i have a fanfic to write lmao love you goiss

Anyways I feel like even Im excited to see what will happen next I feel like NOW we are actually getting to the plot djndfjfn I'm so excited to write the chapter

Anyways love love love you guys and thank you for each and everyone for reading this y'all slay ♡

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