Chapter 25 : The End...or The Beginning?

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I'm really terribly sorry for this late update .

Things happened and then Siwon thing happened and I was affected by it greatly

Anyways , this is the official the first of the last three chapters , and I will be posting the first chapter of the sequel that is gonna be called...

Wait for it ..wait for it


I Hate Falling in Love With You

Yup that's the name ;^) unusual, right ?

Hehehe , enjoy




Recap :

Ahm ahm, you all know what happened last night, I mean last chapter >< after the wedding I mean

I guess that stirred some memories ;^)



It was till after noon that day when the woke up . They took a shower before having a very late breakfast .

They went to the airport to a private plan . They landed in the Maldives .

Siwon rented a house . Well it was more like a small island just for the two of them to relax and enjoy the beach and sand; well maybe relaxing didn't take such a big part of Rasha's schedule since she felt sour most of the time.

Who knew Siwon could be so aggressive yet tender and she admits that she got addicted to him just like he did to her .

Let's say that she enjoyed making him calling her name when she did certain things to him which he sometimes deserved and others didn't .

It was fun especially when Siwon threw all the bags on the door step holding her and heading in a bee line to the bedroom to do things that has nothing to do with sleeping in anyway

The best was their date at the beach . There was a small round table with fruits on it . Swion was wearing a white transparent shirt with white shorts that hang dangerously law giving glimpses to the attractive V line

Rasha was in floral short shorts and a light chiffon shirt that has its three first buttons open revealing the mixed-blue bikini top she was wearing . She let her hair fall in its natural curls

They were supposed to eat but Siwon suggested to swim a little first. They got in the warm water. The saltiness of the ocean makes their bodies light like feathers . Siwon held Rasha throwing her in the water ignoring her screams and protests.

She came from behind and startled him then lifting herself depending on him and at the same time bringing him down under the water. He surfed laughing .

He got closer and closer until their bodies touched . His forehead rested on hers. They lips parted a little and their breathes fanning each other face. Freckles of water crowning the eye lashes .

His hands on her waist with his thumps grazing her skin lightly. Their breathing became hitched little by little. Her legs circled his waist bringing them closer and allowing her to feel him growing .

He bent down, closing his eyes in the process, kissing her lips that were sashed with a slight saltiness that soon disappeared as his lips claimed hers,fully

Their lips dances and molded together, moving in sync ,letting all their emotions erupt in such a way that breathing became hard ,but they didn't care .

His tongue grazed her lower lip asking for an entrance which he knew he didn't need a permission to claim. She parted her lips slightly letting his tongue explore inside her mouth before linking with hers.

His hands traveled a couple of times up and down her body from her tangled legs around him to her slim waist and smooth skin before his right rested on her waist drawing random patterns ,while his left traveled up to the back where the bikini top was. He held the end of the tied straps pulling one of them slowly ,letting it all loosen and finally untie .

He took it off before feeling her delicate milky skin. She took off his shirt with his help before their bodies collided together, each one of them feeling the other

Siwon claimed her neck , planting wet kisses all the way down her cleavages and up again multiple times , making her moan in pleasure as she reacted to his every little touch.

It was soon after that he took her under the water before carrying her to their cabinet , thanking God that he rented a private beach cause he was not and will never be able to stop when it comes to her . you can say that the whole honey moon was spent in a similar way, different beginnings , but definitely the same ending ;^)


the next update —>

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