New school problems

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May 25th, 2022.

Sort of sucks I felt the need to use this so fast, although I guess this is what this book is here for.

The past few days, we've been working on moving. By we, I mean my mom, my brother, and I. My father passed away 2 years ago whenever I was 14 due to a stroke, which despite being hard on my family, was possibly for the better due to emotional manipulation and physical + emotional abuse. Anyway, that's not what this is about. If it's bugging me, I may talk about it sometime, but as of now, it's not.

Today I started a new school. For people who are generally social, maybe that would be fine. I've had a long record of being quiet however. Not shy, just quiet. The first day is always the worst, because people want to talk. People want to talk to YOU. The new kid. It's happened all 3 times I've moved schools, and today was nothing different. 

God forsake being good looking as well.. it makes things worse..

1. I got CALLED shy.
2. People kept trying to speak to me.
3. I had a huge period of derealization for almost a whole period.
4. I was flirted with.. On my first day. And stared at. I hated it.

Anyways, I actually ended up really panicking. I'm still a little sad right now, and I'm not exactly looking forward to going back to this new school tomorrow. I won't put myself down too much though, I need to have some hope if I want to have a good day at all, or even have a chance to.

- Terry Jones

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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