chapter 10

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Silence fell in the room
"Sir here" a person came in with bunch of injections and bowl of porridge putting the porridge on the table next to takemichi he handed some injection to Mikey.
"Here michy eat."
"N-no it's alright"takemichi spoke with a shuttering voice.
"Oi mitchy eat up you are surviving on injections, from three days you haven't eaten anything ."
" I am n-not hungry " takemichi stated in a shrill voice,
"EAT!" Mikey glared at takemichi Making him flinch  takemichi grabbed the bowl and started swallowing the porridge in hurry with fear on his face. He was too scared to even mutter a word from the situation that has been arised.
Slowly when Takemichi was swallowing , mikey snatched the bowl from takemichi he sighed
" Ne mitchy you know if you eat in hurry the food will be wasted, here I'll feed you."
"Uh?" Takemichi was questioning the situation 'what he'll feed me he literally put me in this situation why is he doing this?' Takemichi's thoughts were filling his mind he was fed up and now he cannot even feel his legs anymore.
"Here mitchy eat aaa."
Takemichi didn't replied anything neither with words or with actions he was in his another world , it was until he was brought back to reality by mikey.
" What are you thinking about mitchy?" Mikey looked at takemichi with excitement.
" N- nothing!" Takemichi replied
" Ok the eat."
Takemichi was swallowing the food with difficulty and was scared with mikey even more.
"Takemitchy i am sorry" mikey looked at takemichi with sad eyes
Takemichi widened his eyes this was an unexpected turn of events
' he apologized' Takemichi thought.
"And thankyou"
"Why?" Takemichi finally questioned mikey  but his voice was filled with anger.


" Why did you apologize just now for , for breaking my legs or for kidnapping me or locking me or are you apologizing for leaving everyone behind !" Takemichi's eyes filled with tears
" And why are you thanking me for searching for you i had to save you no matter what oi manjiro why are you the only one who suffers huh!"
"Takemitchy i am sorry" takemitchy snapped out of his imagination
"Wh-" takemichi's words were cutt off by mikey
" I am sorry i couldn't find you first "
"Takemitchy thankyou for finding me first actually i was going to stop your marriage but you came to find me first"
' stop my marriage what is he spouting ' takemichi thought.
" I am really happy." Mikey smilled at mitchy it was the first time he was smiling this purely after 12 years.

"Mikey what are you saying stop my marriage! "
Takemichi questioned by widening his eyes.
"My and hina marriage." takemichi started tearing up he always wanted to marry hina wanted to be with her at her best and her worst why did this happen

"Takemichi are you still thinking of that bitch "
" Even if i showed you how she betrayed you " mikey smashed the bowl of porridge of floor
" WHY! " Mikey shouted
"How the fuck are you gonna understand that that bitch left you not only she but your fucking friends too they left you at your worst didn't you looked at them when that bitch was getting married!"

" Mitchy~ why are you crying.
Don't worry even if they left you i am always here." always he hugged takemichi who was crying
Mikey was smiling

"Did she really left me " takemichi finally spoke up
" But i loved her so much , i wanted to be with her the one standing next to her should have been me."
"So why ?" Takemichi cried out loud
" If she have told me to leave her i would have." Takemichi was crying so hard as if he wanted to cure all his wounds from tears .
" Its alright mitchy she never desrved you ."
" Here take this injection doctor advised this it will help you heal faster."
Takemichi took the injection making him slightly twitch from the pain.
Takemichi without realising was obediently doing whatever mikey was asking him to do as if mikey  manipulated him.
" Ne mitchy you'll never leave me right."
Takemichi slightly nodded without realising ,he was not in his right he was completely possessed it was when takemichi was slowly falling he fjnally heard mikey say one last thing
" I'll never let you go ."
Bam ! Someone opened the door with much force to wake anyone up.
Mikey glared at the person it was sanzu .
King there is a problem!


I know there are a lot of errors so what happened is my phone broke yes it did. And in don't think ill get a new one so soon this update is from my computer it was so much trouble so yea guys i guess updates will be slow dont blame me.
Its my phone's fault!

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