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*song of the chapter : 'ghost' by Halsey*

•the calm•


Kendall Vertes

"Noah Yates, be polite and introduce yourself." His mother instructed.

Instead of listening to his mom, he turned and offered me a short wave. This made me cross my arms over my chest and turn away, heading upstairs to change, and taking my time in hopes of missing the entire dinner.

"Kendall, make it quick Charlotte supplied us with your favorite kind of hor d'oeuvre."

I paused, "You mean the-"

"None other." My dad smirked.

At this, my stroll not only quickened but turned into a full forced canter, considering my favorite hor d'oeuvres dishes, Heluva! French onion dip and shrimp cocktails, were 'only for special occasions'

I grabbed a nice shirt and a pair of white shorts and left them on my sink. After piling my hair into a shower cap and washing off the grossness from the pool today, I slipped into my clothes and straightened my hair to perfection, braiding the right side of my bangs backwards and pinning them on the side.

I didn't feel like making too much of an effort, but I had already screwed up the beginning of the dinner, so I owed it to Daddy that I at least look presentable. Therefore, I was forced to take off my glasses and actually put my contacts back in.

After a quick touch of makeup, I grabbed my towel and opened my bathroom door.

To my surprise the boy was lounged out across my bed, his eyes lazily darting across the room.

I froze, not exactly expecting anybody joining me in my room, especially not well... a guy.

"What are you doing here?"

"Exploring." He shrugged. His carelessness angered me.

My voice was raising, but I tried to remain calm. "Get out! What if I had emerged from that room completely naked?!"

"Then I'd be thoroughly entertained." He smirked, before giving me a once-over. "Well, not that thoroughly."

My mouth dropped.

"Get out. Now!"

"Okay, Okay." He held up his hands in surrender, exiting my room.

How rude do they come? The little immature, no good, dirty, irritating, naughty, flat out annoying little-

"Kendall! Hurry up!" Char called from the bottom of the stairs. I sighed and dragged my feet down the steps, motivating myself by inwardly whispering, "Each step is a step closer to the end of this night. You can do it Kendall. Think about that warm, fuzzy bed. You'll lay in that all night if you can just get through this dinner!"

Should I take pity in myself if it takes that much encouragement from my own mind to get down a flight of stairs?

Eh probably, but I'll go with no.

"Kendall...." Charlotte dragged out, growing impatient. Although judging by the look on her face, something told me she knew I was talking to myself again.

I hurried down the stairs, flashing Charlotte a smile as I passed by. She followed me into the living room, where the promised hors d'oeuvres were laid on the table.

As we entered, my father was in the midst of asking, "Where are the little ones?"

Little ones?

"Oh Avery is sick, so she and Addison are staying with my sister-in-law until we are home." Mr. Yates answered curtly, almost as if he were expecting the question.

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