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*song of the chapter ' after party ' by roshon fegan*

•the calm•


Kendall Vertes

"I hate him." I groaned, falling back across Chase's blue couch in the living room.

He passed by, giving me an eyebrow. "I see."

I waited for him to ask for details but after seconds of silence I remembered what sucks about having a guy best friend : boys are idiots.

"Fine, Fine, I'll tell you why. Geez, you can stop your prying." I sarcastically fired at Chase with a glare. He rolled his eyes.

The little jerk.

"He's rude and immature, and he makes little digs and taunting comments that are so subtle only I can catch him so he gets off squeaky clean." I vented, continuing to rant onward. "My family adores him, and from what I can tell, so does his own."

"Sounds like your average douchebag," Matt took a seat on the rug before me.

Chase scoffed, "Sounds like your average teenage boy,"

I groaned.

My boys were never any help for any problems I came to them with. It always ended unfinished before we headed towards the video game controllers.

"Wanna play another round?" He pointed towards the screen as a glanced at my controller.

If I picked it up, we'd continue on as if nothing had happened and I weren't upset. But if I left it where it was, the boys would get worried. I really needed to head to Plan B.

I sighed, grabbing the controller. "One more. I don't want to be late for practice."


My Plan B lived in the neighborhood across from my own, in the last house on the furthest cul de sac. (still only a 7 minute drive) 

Now despite common belief, my only best friends are not Chase and Matthew. Shocker, I know. In times like these (times where my best friend, Chase, is being an oblivious asshole,) I turn to the one female friend I have, Grayson Greene.

 Grayson is in no way normal.

 No way.

 She's a tall blonde with a quirky personality and a secret brain the size of a small dinosaur. As much as it's denied, (by her and only her of course) she's the smartest kid in our grade. It's all due to the photographic memory that paints every bit of information she's ever retained into a pretty little portrait for her to feed off of. 

 The sad part is, Grayson isn't known for her brain, but for her beauty. That's right, I got stuck with a best friend that's smart and pretty.

 If that's not proof enough that the universe hates me, I don't know what is.

Since Chase and Matthew are too stupid to understand, I had to find Grayson. This time my visit began with me pounding on her door, while drenched with the rain powering down on top of me.

"Kendall!" Grayson cried, throwing open the door.  "What are you doing here?"

"Let me in!" I whined as the rain continued to fall on me.

Gray's eyes grew big. "Kendall, did you drive?"

"I had to!"

"Kendall! If your dad found out that you-"

"He won't and I won't do it again, I just needed to talk to you." I sighed.

She lead me into the oh-so-familiar Greene home and led me into the kitchen.

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