Chapter 7: Evelyn

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My head pounded as I ran to my room. It was as if I was drowning in an abyss of my own sorrow as breath was stolen from my lungs. Snot ran down from my nose as tears blinded my vision. I jumped onto my bed burrowing my face in my pillow.

Why, why, why?!

Why did I think he could like me?

Why did I have to be so upset?

Why did he have to be in a relationship?

I was overwhelmed by the destructive suffocating sensation preventing air from entering my lungs. I had never suspected to have such strong feelings for a man I barely knew and here I was spilling tears over him. I felt like someone had hit me with a train.

I cried until I had no tears left to spill and all that was left were hiccups as I breathed in. I turned my face away from the pillow and faced my bedroom window. By now, night had fallen and a stream of moonlight crossed my face, illuminating my red swollen eyes. Closing them, I fell asleep to the moon's comforting glow.


The next morning I walked into the kitchen, my hair a frizzy mess and my face puffy from the night before. I saw my mother preparing breakfast and Maximus sitting at the dining table.

"Morning honey, how are you?" my mother asked, turning to me with a smile. Her eyes widened as she took in my appearance. She open her mouth to voice concern but I simply shook my head at her. She closed her mouth, shooting me concerned glances.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked ignoring her question.

"Eggs and toast," she smiled.

She passed me a plate and I took it, uttering a "thank you," before sitting down at the table. I sat across from Maximus and I couldn't help but notice the way he was staring at me. His eyes were boring into my head as I looked down at my plate and ate my food.

"Are you alright?" he whispered to me from across the table.

I looked up at him, my raw eyes threatening to sting and spill tears again, "I'm fine." I offered him a half smile but it appeared as more of a grimace.

He raised his eyebrows and his mouth barely gaped as a look of shock passed over his features. It was like I had hurt him through my choice of words and my expression.

A twang of pain erupted in my gut at his face, and I felt immobile and mute. I wanted to express my true feelings but was rendered unable to.

I wanted to tell him I had thought he liked me and that the past few days were special to me. I wanted to tell him I had been enthralled by his presence and opened my heart in a way I never had before. I had never given a guy a chance to even really spend time with me. But as I sat there, I knew he owed me nothing. He was simply a kind business associate of my fathers who wanted to learn more about our town and have a fun stay. I was just the mayor's daughter and a tour guide in his eyes.

"Just fine?"

I pushed my chair back from the table and turned towards the stairs, tears welling up, "actually I think I feel a bit ill. I'm going to go up to my room," I paused and turned around to look him in the eyes, "I hope you enjoy your breakfast."

Walking up the stairs, down the hall, and to my room, I plopped on the bed and grabbed my phone dialing in a three way call with the numbers of people I knew would answer.

It only rang once before a tanned face with black braids appeared on the screen squealing, "APAAY!"

"Hi, Kay," I grinned. Kayla's bubbly energy always pulled me out of a mood.

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