Chapter 31: Evelyn

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My eyes were glued shut and I tried to move, my entire body writhing in pain. I felt like I had run 100 miles without stopping, the exhaustion making every muscle in my body ache.

Opening my eyes, everything in my physical body screamed at me not to move, not to so much as lift a finger, and yet my mind demanded just that of me, demanded I take action. The key still pressed cool against my wrist, reminding me that this was not over yet. I had an escape.

Forcing myself up, I groaned and quickly fisted a hand over my mouth to attempt to stop myself from crying out. I simply couldn't risk the smallest sound escaping me. Yet, each breath I inhaled was like breathing in glass, each minute movement splinteringly painful.

But, I knew it was now or never. I had entered survival mode and I planned to do just that, survive. Taking a deep breath, I shoved myself away from the floor, trying to prevent myself from screaming at the pain. Taking a few more deep breaths, hoping to will the pain away, I stood up, my legs protesting my every move.

Looking around me, I looked for any sign of life. Knowing Peter's abilities, I listened carefully for so much as a pin drop of sound. But, all I heard was my silence.

Sending a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess, I took the key and as carefully as possible unhooked the chains from my raw ankles. The flesh looked like it was burned and I tried to stop myself from gagging. Watching the chains slip away, and clink against the stone floor my whole body cringed.

Again, I held my breath, listening for the slightest hint of motion. Hearing none, I released the breath I was holding and grabbed the keys, pressing them into the lock and turning them. A click echoed into the silent and still air. I held my breath once more, taking every precaution possible.

Today would not be the day I died.

Again, nothing seemed amiss. But, it didn't stop the erratic beating of my heart as I slowly opened the cell door. My heart pounded in my chest and I knew that I now needed to move quickly. Every second that passed was a second wasted. A second closer to being discovered and being sealed to a fate of death.

In a few strides, I was in front of the window which stood just over my head. My body still throbbed but I pressed the feeling down.

There is no pain too strong for the mind. There is no pain too strong for the mind. There is no pain too strong for the mind. There is no pain too strong for the mind...

I willed myself to conquer the pain as I jumped and grabbed onto the windowsill. Pain like a blaze of fire swarmed my arms but I forced the feeling down as I bit into my lip to prevent myself from screaming. The metallic taste of blood soured my mouth.

Knowing if I fell to the ground I wouldn't be able to manage to jump up again, I used all my might to swing my body to the side and hoist a leg onto the sill. Then, using every fiber of strength left in my being, I pulled myself up.

I breathed in many shaky breaths, adrenal wearing off and giving way to fatigue. Despite it though, a smile broke out on my face alongside tears at the victory. A flooding sense of relief filled me. I was going home. I was going home to see my beloved mate and nothing would separate us ever again. I felt exuberant.

I lifted my hand to open the window as a piercing painful howl broke through the air. It was a strong howl, a howl that held a timber to it. It was a howl that promised bloodshed. I froze as realization coursed through me.


Dozens of howls followed it in unison, a battle cry of retribution. I was flooded with joy and relief. I would finally be free. I beamed and went to push open the window just as a door slammed. Eyes wide, I didn't take the time to look back as I scrambled to get the window open. But, it was stuck.

EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now