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"If you know you are

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"If you know you are..
a good person..
Then don't waste your time
Proving it"... 🤍

After talking with sometimes.. She saw two boys still pouting hugging eachother..she cooed at their cuteness.. "Aww what happen why are you pouting like baby" she said.. "Who is those boys" jungkook asked.. "Yea pheraps is one of them is your bf" tae asked feeling insecure.. Jisoo felt tae's insecurity.. Then she hugged both of them tightly..and said"nou they are my friends who treat me like their sister she said... "You sure" jungkook said.. She nodded..

Then they cuddled up in bed and slept..

At morning 6:30am..

Jisoo woke up with sound of alarm... She opened her eyes and saw empty one side while in other side jungkook was still sleeping.... She smiled and went to bathroom to get fresh.. When she got out she saw jungkook sitting in the edge of bed.. "Ahh you woke up" she said.. And went close to him.. She felt he was looking down today... "What happen kookie you look sad"she said.. As she caress his hair..

Then suddenly Jungkook pulled her into hug and started sobbing.. " chu you won't leave us right"he said.. Jisoo got shocked as she  never saw this side of jungkook.. He always put cold face.. "No way why would I do that" she replied while caressing his hair...

At mean time tae and eun-woo were cooking breakfast.. (About eun-woo he is just helping tae in cutting vegetables cuz you know he can't).."Do you know when yoongi and namjoon hyung will come back" tae asked... "Hmm... They can come back today or tomorrow as they didn't went far from this town" eun-woo replied.. "I will place breakfast at table you call jisoo and jungkook down stairs" he added.. As tae nodded...

When he went to room... He ran towards them and said "what happen my bunnies" he said.. "why are you crying kookie" he added... "He must have got nightmare of me leaving you two" she said with sad smile.. "Aww my bunny why would she leave us... There isn't any reason she would leave us" tae said.. Jungkook wasn't satisfied with their answer after what he saw in his dream.. But he shrugged for now.. "Ohh right I was here to call you for breakfast let's go eun-woo is waiting" tae said.. As they both nodded..

After breakfast all of them went to their work and jisoo went to her university as her bodyguard's dropped her... Basically she was annoyed by that announcement that she needs bodyguard.. But she couldn't win over argument so, she have to go everywhere with bodyguard.. One male and one female...

They arrived at her university.. She got out of car... Saw her friends outside the gate.. As they saw her.. They all ran to her and hugged her.. "Unnie where were you we all were worried sick" jennie said.. "Yaahh jisooya where were you" nayeon and jimin said.. "What had happened sooyaa" jhope said.. "Please tell us" jackson said as he also came back from his grandparents house..."let's go inside.. You have some explaining to do"irene said with cold voice.. All of them gulped...

After two classes they went to cafeteria

"So, here is what happened".........

Byeee did you had nice day if not then try to cheer up with listening to songs that you like ;)

Loving them both (vsookook/taesookook) ☑Where stories live. Discover now