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"Take time to..
Love yourself..
Cuz u deserve that"... 🤍

"No" naeun said... "No I don't wanna marry him mom dad please I love someone else" she said almost tearing up.. "WHAT!!" Her father said.. "But sweetie you said u like him" her mom said.. "Yes I said cuz I saw how happy you were and I didn't wanted to make you guys sad" she said still lowering her head...

"The-n you should have told us"her mom said.. "I didn't had heart to see you sad" she said... "And now I know that the person I'm gonna marry is not interested in women, how am I supposed to live a life with him" she said while tearing up... Ji went to her and hugged her... "It's fine tho- now you don't have to marry him, marry whomever you want, whom your heart wants" she said...

"Anyway whom do you love" her dad asked.. "His older son" she said pointing to Mr. Jung... "My older brother" hobi said with little shockness and kinda happy inside.. "Yes hehe" she replied with shy smile... "That's great then how about that Mr. Jung" her dad said....

"You have to ask him about it" Mr. Jung replied... Ji scoffed "asking you elder son's reply for his marriage and wut about him you didn't asked him" ji said pointing out jhope... "It's non of your business young lady" Mr. Just said.. Hobi stood up and went to ji.. "Ji control it's better time so I won't have to marry women please" he wishpered in her ear...

Ji rolled her eye and sat down beside Mrs. Jung.. Mrs. Jung patted her back and smiled... "Ok so, it's clear if your elder son agree then she can be you daughter in law" irene said.. " yea yea whatever"Mr.jung said.... "But I promise he will marry a women" he added.. "Not even in you dream" jackson and ji replied and stood up from couch in unison... Both of them looked each other in shock and laughed... All of them joined in laugh except Mr. Jung who did had evil idea in his mind...

"Ayoo laughing without me, who even cracked a joke" unknown voice said.. "Oh come here brother" hobi said.. "What's up ji how are you" unknown voice said... "I'm gud how bout you"she replied.. "we are also here if you can open your eyes" rest of other friends said.. "Uhh hehe sorry"he said...

"We have some important question to ask you son" Mr. Jung said... "Yes"...

"Ahh finally we will be able to see each other in real life just wait a little bit" a voice said..

Three more days so my monthly test days finishs... Please wait a little more..

Loving them both (vsookook/taesookook) ☑Where stories live. Discover now