The Plane

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"Nate", Ella called out in a calm tone, both were packing up

"I'm fine", Nate said, not even looking up, only for Ella to pull him away from what he was doing

"Nate... you're not fine, I can tell", Ella stated as Nate sighed

"I really thought we'd find Sam", Nate muttered

"I know... but our next stop is up to you, continue or quit", Ella stated, "I followed you in, and I'll follow you out",

"You took that from a movie", Nate said with a small smile

"I know I did... don't judge me", Ella sassed with a small smile making Nate laugh, his attention was soon brought over to Sam's postcards, holding one up and turning it around, another message

"I haven't forgotten my promise, -S",

Nate then took out another postcard, looking at that message too

"Remember, if something's lost, it can be found, -S",

"I think I know what I wanna do", Nate said, right before he could answer, Sully walked into the room

"I know where she took the map", Sully stated, causing both Nate and Ella to roll their eyes, "Moncada, right, I mean, think about it, who else is gonna have the resources she's gonna need, and Braddock and her goon squad just so happened to find us at the church, he had to have somebody on the inside... you both hate me, alright, I get it, look, I'd hate me too, but Braddock... after what she did to your brother, she shot him in cold blood, we can't let her win",

"Oh, Sully, will you please just stop trying to play us for, like, five minutes", Nate explained in anger, "for years, I told myself that Sam would come back, that he wasn't gone, he was just lost, but instead, we're stuck here with you, so this is how this is gonna go, we're gonna finish what my brother started and then we go our separate ways",

"Alright, it's a deal, kids", Sully said, not long after, the two finished up and the three headed out, to the airport, there, they saw Moncada loading up a plane, Chloe and Braddock were also there, the three observing from afar

"When you're right, you're right, huh", Sully asked, "You don't have to apologize to me now",

"She only cut us out because she knew you were gonna cut her out", Ella explained

"You both still harbor feelings for that girl who knocked you guys on your asses", Sully asked, looking through the binoculars, "Alright, come on, they're getting ready to go",

the three quietly snuck aboard, somehow fitting into the tiny trunk of Moncada's car, not long after, the car was in the plane and everything else was in as well, the plane took off, its destination, Kiamba, ten hours later, the three heard the back of the plane opening up, they were almost there, once everything was quiet, then footsteps could be heard, as they went away, Nate quietly opened the trunk, allowing them to crawl out

"That was literally the worst ten hours of my life", Nate stated, quietly

"You wanna get caught, keep talking", Sully stated

"Come on, coast should be clear", Ella whispered, the three sneaking out of the cargo hold and into the plane

"Oh, good job, Jo", Sully muttered as Nate closed the door,

"Oh, shit", Nate muttered, looking at Moncada's dead body, his throat had been slit, "it's hard to find a good partner in this game, huh",

"Well, maybe you'll learn to appreciate me a little bit more", Sully stated, grabbing the map and putting it away, "alright, let's find some parachutes",

"Parachutes", Ella asked

"Unless you know a better way to jump out of a plane", Sully asked, walking away from the table and back to the door, the three sneaking over toward the tail of the plane, toward the parachutes, as they neared the tail, Nate kept eyeing Braddock, he wanted to know the truth.

"Hey, don't even think about it", Sully said

"I can't just let her get away with it", Nate said

"This is not the place to pick a fight, ok", Sully stated, I'm trying to protect you two, now put one of these on, let's go now",

Sully put on a parachute, but right before he could jump

"Hey... did you kill my brother", Nate asked, gaining Braddock's attention, his hand on the cargo's parachute, Braddock quickly stopped her goons "I said, did you kill my brother, Sam Drake",

"Nate, Ella, come on", Sully shouted, Braddock signaled her men to open fire, causing Nate to pull the parachute, sending the cargo flying out of the plane, taking most of the goons with it, and Sully, who had opened his parachute, not long after, both Nate and Ella were pulled out of the plane

"Oh god", Nate shouted

"Nate", Ella shouted, flipping through the air, eventually catching herself, looking around, she saw Nate, unconscious, "Nate... NATE", 

 Nate opened his eyes, the first thing Nate felt was the raging wind, looking around, he saw some armed goons flying past him... fast, cargo was flying, behind him, attached, and there, he saw Ella, she was shouting at him which caused Nate to snap back into reality

"Oh crap", Nate shouted, attempting to pull himself up, onto the cargo that was still attached to the plane, only for his foot that was currently stuck to the cargo to slide out, causing Nate to fly away

"NATE", Ella shouted, holding her hand out, Nate quickly caught her hand

"Whatever you do... don't let go", Nate asked, his voice almost shouting due to the wind

"Don't plan to", Ella responded, pulling Nate onto the cargo beside her

"Come on, we gotta get back into that plane", Nate stated, as the two began climbing up, an armed goon quickly grabbed ahold of Nate's leg, right before he could pull out his gun, Nate kicked him in the face, forcing him to let go and fly away, "oh my god, I'm so sorry, that was purely reactive",

"Nate, come on, we need to keep moving", Ella said, the two-jumping cargo to cargo, later to be shot at by another goon, jumping towards the next set of cargo, both Nate and Ella were out of range from the goon, carefully traversing toward him and throwing him off, with the goon behind them, Nate and Ella quickly climbed once more, as they reached the last set of cargo, the goon had caught up to them, grabbing ahold of the two

"Ella, watch out", Nate shouted, pushing her head down as he ducked as well, a loose set of cargo had flown out of the plane, past the two and hit the goon off, looking back toward the plane, the cargo line they were on was about to break off

"NATE, JUMP", Ella shouted as the two quickly jumped into the plane as the line snapped, as the two got up, off the floor, a red car was driving toward them

"Oh, come on", Nate shouted, the two getting hit by the car Nate, Ella, and the car all flying out of the plane, eventually landing on the car mid-air, the car's door flew open, and Chloe maneuvered her way out towards them

"What the hell are you doing", Chloe shouted

"You just hit us with a car", Nate shouted

"You don't have a parachute", Chloe shouted

"No, and you don't have one either", Ella shouted

"Follow me", Chloe shouted, jumping off the car

"What... oh, come on", Nate muttered, the two jumping after Chloe who grabbed onto some of the falling cargo, and helping the two on

"Pull the cord", Chloe shouted, everyone maneuvering to the cord, but Nate was closer, and pulled the cord, the cargo began to slow down, but not enough to land softly in the water below, everyone climbed to the top, holding onto something

"Hang on, we're going under", Ella stated as the cargo landed in the water, the force sending them away, forcing the three to swim up and climb back on

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