The Chamber

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"Oh my god, this has to be a test", Nate said, the water reaching their shoes, "the 18 must have built an escape, right",

"What did the journal say again", Chloe asked

"Trust in your fellow man, for one shall go to heaven, the other to hell", Ella stated, "trust in your fellow man...",

"SULLY", the three shouted in unison

"Sully, there has to be another keyhole up there somewhere that opens this door", Nate shouted,

"I'm like literally in a Papa John's right now", Sully stated

"Sully, we're running out of time", Nate stated

"I found it", Sully said, "I'm gonna need a minute",

"Sully, we do not have a minute", Ella shouted, the three banging on the manhole cover, trying to get it open, the water, halfway

"Sully, hurry", Nate shouted

"Shut up, I'm working on it", Sully stated

"I'll shut up when you get us the hell out of here", Nate argued as commotion could be heard

"What's going on", Ella asked

"Sully, if you don't turn that damn key, we're gonna drown", Nate explained, the water filling the room 3/4 of the way

"It's gonna take a little longer than I thought, kids", Sully stated, sounding as if he's being choked

"Guys, we gotta try and get this grate up", Nate stated as the three nodded their heads, diving underwater and tugging at the grate, but it was no use, the grate was welded on, it wasn't coming off anytime soon, not long after, the resurfaced for air that was quickly running out

"Sully, it's now or never, buddy, we're running out of options down here", Nate shouted

"Nate, look at me", Chloe said, "we can do this, deep breaths",

the three took in a final breath of air as water filled the room, Nate kept banging on the manhole cover, Chloe attempted to find a way to open the door back up, as Ella attempted to pull the grate up once more, not long after, a clicking sound was heard, the manhole cover was open, Nate surfaced for air, then returned underwater, pushing Ella to the manhole, Ella surfaced, coughing and gasping for air as Nate resurfaced once again with Chloe, the three climbing out of the water

"Hey, guys, say something, tell me you're alive", Sully asked

"Yeah, we're good, we're still alive", Nate responded

"Then what are you waiting for, get a move on", Sully stated. the three rolling their eyes

"Thank you", Chloe said

"You had it", Ella said, handing the cross to Chloe, and the three continuing forward through the chamber

"You both good", Nate said

"Yeah", both Ella and Chloe said in unison

"Hey, Sully, you still up there", Nate asked

"I'm here, what do you got", Sully asked

"Not much, it's dark as hell in here", Nate stated, lighting a torch

"I see a light, is that you", Sully asked

"Yeah, that's us, we're in some sort of... Roman antechamber", Ella stated, the three approaching a door, Chloe put the cross in, but it wouldn't fully turn, the key was too small

"It doesn't fit", Nate said

"Sully, Sully, we're missing something, see if you can find anything up there", Chloe asked, looking up at a grate

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