•meant to be•

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A/N:Thank you for all the support guys!!! REALLY THANK YOU!! 🥹💘


When Y/n started to wake up her head was aching and pounding. After Azhdahas betrayal war just broke out everywhere the Yakshas were on high alert and trying their best to protect their homeland. Walking unsteady Y/n heard voices in her head, sometimes louder then her own thoughts. When she walked out of the room she encountered Haan. ,,Y/n your highness are you alright?'' ,,No i'm not, Azhdaha gave me a part of the darkness that was consuming him, i need to return to hte forest. I need to heal myself.''

Morax walked up to those two and said that theres a little conference between the gods which are the new archons. Y/n really didnt want to go but it was her duty, with a quick teleport they arrived in Inazuma, the gods Barbatos, Baal and Beelzebub were also there. ,,Morax, welcome to my palace, ohh and you brought the Dendro Archon aswell.'' ,,Dendro..?'' Morax looked at Y/n in disbelieve how can she be the Dendro Archon unless.. Barbatos saw the tension and tried to lift it up. ,,So ehhhh Rex Lapis you must be asking yourself why you and Y/n are here.'' Baal continued:,, Yes you all are here because of all Archons i trust you the most. This whole Archon war is getting out of hand so it's the best thing if we keep the things diplomatic.''

After the little conference Y/n was standing outisde the palace, ready to go, when Morax came along he spoke to her. ,,Who are you, really?'' ,, I'm the goddess of the Forest or in other words the goddess of life and death.'' ,,Why didnt you tell me the first time we met?'' ,,Because it wasnt nesecery I-I never thought that we are going to evolve into this couple stuff.'' Morax just turned away from Y/n. ,,So Kai was right, you just came to spy on us and then take over everything isnt it.'' The female walked to the Geo Archon and put her hand on his cheek: ,,Look I know how this looks like but its not. Don't believe anything what Kai has told you, he LIED. I love you more then anything Morax, doesnt that count?'' ,,I love you Y/n but you lied to me and for now leave the Palace in Liyue for now, i need to rethink some decisions .'' ,,Morax what..'' ,,LEAVE Y/N.''

With Tears in her eyes Y/n left and teleported back to the palace. When she arrived Haan ran to her full of cuts so Y/n asked her what happened while she was gone. ,,Y/n the yakshas..'' The goddess ran to the location where she felt the most adaptal energy. After arriving she only found Xiao kneeling on the ground. Y/n took Xiao into her arms and just hugged him while she heard little sobbs coming from the Adepti. Xiao, stood up and said: ,, M'lady don't waste any energy on me, I don't deserve this , i failed to help my fellow adepti, i dont deserve to be here.'' Y/n didnt want to hear any of this. ,,Xiao listen don't say that, Liyue still needs you I need you. As of now continue oyu duty as usual, do it for them, to honor their deaths.'' Xiao nodded and disappeared.

Later on Y/n arrived at her old beloved forest but it didnt looked the same. It looked sad and drained, it reminded of how Y/n was feeling right now. The female just kneeled on the ground and cried. Her forest was dying again and all its spirits, suddenly Y/n started to cough into her hand. When she stopped, she recognised the red liquid on her hand....

„I'm dying"

„I'm dying before i even found this person i always try to remember.."

Still on her knees she heard someone approaching her.

„My stupid sister, dreaming about flying dragons and peace around the world hahahah Havria died and Guizhong your going to Parrish alone."

Kai approached her and with one swift he reached for the gnosis which manifested inside of her in the ongoing archon war. Taking it out shouldn't have been a big deal but it helped Y/n to regulate her true form and power because without it the power of life and death will wreak havoc on Teyvat. Kai left with the gnosis, while Y/n was now laying on the ground until Haan suddenly appeared.

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