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gentleman - a man. [editorial footnote][2]cylinder - exquisite headdress; black, shiny hat, with a high head and a stiff brim, softly curved at the sides. [editorial footnote][3]favorites - profuse hair covering the face from both sides; sideburns. [editorial footnote][4]Pik - Jakub Pik, the owner of a shop selling, among other things, barometers and thermometers, devices for measuring pressure and temperature. [editorial footnote][5]Mieczkowski - Jan Mieczkowski, owner of a well-known photographic studio. [editorial footnote][6]Modrzejewska, Helena (1840–1909) - a great Polish actress. She has performed on the stages of Bochnia, Lviv, Chernivtsi, Kraków, Warsaw, America and England. In 1876, she emigrated to the United States and performed mainly abroad. She also came to the country, she played on the stages of Krakow, Warsaw, Lviv, Poznań, Łódź and Lublin. She played her most prominent roles in plays by Shakespeare and Słowacki. [editorial footnote][7]eyeglasses (French: pince-nez; pronounced: spalsné) - glasses without a rim, sticking to the nose. [editorial footnote][8]defender - patron, attorney, lawyer defending the accused. [editorial footnote]
tryst - an appointment; date. [editorial footnote][10]equip yourself - equip with various things. [editorial footnote][11]he knew before - today: he knew first. [editorial footnote][12]organ grinder - a musical instrument built on the principle of a spiked melodic shaft, bellows and pipes set in motion with a crank. The organ growers walked around the yards, played popular melodies, often placed parrots on the organ grinders, which drew lots for people who wanted to receive a fortune for a small fee and win some trifle. The barrel grinders were very popular in the 19th century and typical of the image of towns and small town fairs. Today they are rarely seen. [editorial footnote][13]watchman - caretaker. [editorial footnote][14]festive - festive. [editorial footnote][15]banquet - an elegant party for many distinguished people. [editorial footnote][16]force - strain, strain. [editorial footnote][17]having quit - lost a permanent job. [editorial footnote]
mercenary - a person who performs certain services for money. [editorial footnote][19]broth - a nutritious broth of meat and vegetables. [editorial footnote][twenty]penalty - here: a cart on two wheels with a garbage box on top. [editorial footnote][21]tinkers - people who wire broken pots. [editorial footnote][22]clarinet - a wind musical instrument. It is still used today in classical and jazz music as well as in folk bands. [editorial footnote][23]he stood (...) in courts - he acted as an attorney in court. [editorial footnote][24]doorman - caretaker. [editorial footnote][25]stand-up collar - the equivalent of today's policeman looking after a designated district. Stójkowy was a Russian because it happened during the partitions. Warsaw was under the Russian partition. [editorial footnote][26]koza (coll.) - arrest, prison. [editorial footnote][27]they resembled "studies from nature" - they resembled paintings, portraits painted from nature. [editorial footnote][28]farm - farm, part of a larger property. [editorial footnote][29]nephew - son of a full brother. [editorial footnote][thirty]harassment - obstacle, obstacle. [editorial footnote][31]ordinary - common. [editorial footnote][32]hallucination - vision, delusion, visual hallucination. [editorial footnote][33]king of Dahomey - king of the African tribes of Dahomey. [editorial footnote][34]apoplexy - flushing to the head, stroke. [editorial footnote][35]salary - fixed payment. [editorial footnote][36]famulus - servant, butler. [editorial footnote]

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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