{Sorry WHAT!!}👀short

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Jennie's POV

Its pitch black out side right now its literally just 2 pm I expected a nice sky or just rain perfect to have my dumplings but guess i am just not lucky
we are currently on the side walk its just us the others parted away to their home yeah so,--

Rosé's phone ringing 👀

Rosé: ughh why is it always me
jisoo: what happened ??
Rosé: its dad and yeah
Soobin: And what can he probably call for
Lisa: yeah like she knows .. stupid
Soobin: Noona!!
Rosé: Shut up you guys let me listen _______ Yeah dad_______yeah we all are_____ emergency??___ok we'll cone quickly *hungs up*
Rosé: guys we need to hurry
Yeonjun: Is everything ok
Rosé: not really i guess

they shouldn't know you goddamn lady got it !!!
yes sir they will never know

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