□Chapter 1□

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Herbs POV:
I had all my things packed up about to open the door and head out
Sea fairy: Herb?
Arnt you forgetting something?
I turn around and my family was standing behind me
Herb: Oh yeah right!
I run over to them quickly and hugged all of them tightly
Sea fairy: Oh look at you! All grown up and moving out!
Moonlight: Dear don't cry he's gonna be ok!
Sea fairy: I know but I just can't help it!
Sorbet shark: OoOoO?
Herb: Of course I'll come back and visit!
They hugged me again and smiled
Peppermint: Wait Herb before you go I have a Farwell gift for you!
They pulled out a small potted plant and handed it to me
Herb: Woah did you grow this all by yourself?
Peppermint: Uh huh! I used all the things you taught me to grow it maybe you can put it on your desk of your new flower shop!
Herb: Oh I definitely will thank you Peppermint!
Moonlight: One last hug before you go?
Herb: Of course!
We all did another group hug
Herb: I love you guys so much
Sea fairy: So do we promise you'll come visit?
Herb: I promise!
Now I got to go see you all soon!
I opened the door and left

A Few hours later I finally arrived at the cookie kingdom
I looked around a bit and arrived and my flower shop I finished setting it up around a month ago now I just need to open it to the public
I was about to unlock the door untill I saw a cookie carrying a bunch of boxes suddenly they tripped
I rushed over to help them
Herb: Excuse me are you ok do you need help?...
Sparkling: Huh?...
Oh hello!
Yes please if you don't mind
I held my hand out and they grabbed it as I helped them get back up
Sparkling: Thank you!
What's your name?
Herb: I'm herb cookie!
Sparkling: Wait.... herb? As in THE herb as in the son of Sea fairy and Moonlight?!-
Herb: Yup!
Sparkling: Oh my God! I can't believe your actually standing in front of me!
I giggled a bit
Herb: And what's your name?
Sparkling: Oh my names Sparkling he/him pronouns please
Nice to meet you!
What brings you to this kingdom?
Herb: I just recently opened a flower shop and I wanna start growing plants there!
And because you know as rich as the are I can just keep depending on my moms to do everything for me you know?
Sparkling: Oh you like plants?
Herb: Yeah it's always been my favorite hobby
What about you do you have any little hobbies?
Sparkling: Well right now I have my own bar it was supposed to keep a family business but my dad got rewarded for the best detective and now he's busy 24/7
I've been running it by myself for well over a year now
Herb: Oh wow looks like it got far just in a year
Sparkling: Yeah I wasnt easy though
Mind if I check out your shop?
Herb: Oh of course!
We walked over to my shop,I open the door and we walk inside
Sparkling: Wow these are really pretty!
Herb: Thank you!
By the way whare do you come from just curious
Sparkling: I come from the créme Republic and my brother is the council
Herb: Shouldn't you be some type of royalty then? I mean with the power that your brother has you should get at least some of the same treatment that he gets
Sparkling: Well as he always said
Just because you come from a royal history doesn't mean that you have to be too
Your parents are two of the legendaries right? And look your just living you life
Herb: Yeah I guess your right on that
Sparkling: Anyways were freinds now cuz I said so!
Herb: Oh! Alright
Sparkling: See you around then Herb good luck with your business!
Herb: T-thanks! You too!
Well that was.... sudden but at least I already have a freind here
I sighed and decided it would be a good idea to water some of the plants it didn't seem like customers will be coming in anytime soon since I just started
About an hour gose by and I'm almost done with watering all the plants
Suddenly someone came in
I looked and and saw a small cookie who looked to be about 14
Herb: Hello! Welcome to my shop!
Wallnut: Woah! This place is so pretty!
Herb: Aw thank you! Is there any specific type of plant your looking for?
Wallnut: Well I'm looking for some flowers for one of my best friends! Are there any that you would recommend?
Herb: Oh I know which ones they might like!
I grabbed a bouquet of daisy's and handed them to the small cookie
Wallnut: These are gorgeous! I'm sure she'll love them!
Herb: I'm sure she will too!
Is that all your going to get?
Wallnut: Yes please!
Herb: Alright then follow me to the counter
I lead her to the counter and she scurried after me
Herb: Ok that will be 15 coins please
Wallnut: Here take this instead!
She handed me 2 Dimonds. Way more overpriced then that bouquet should be
Herb: Woah.... are you sure?...
Wallnut: Yeah I'm sure my brother said that you just started and I wanna help!
Herb: Oh thank you so much!
Wallnut: No problem! Have a good day!
Herb: You too!
I'm guessing that she was sparklings sister because he's the only one who came in here so far
It's nice that cookies are supporting me on this already though!

Hello :DDD
I had a bunch of fun writing this ngl I hope I don't ruin it by adding unnecessary drama 🏃‍♀️
But yeah I hope you liked this and I'll try to make sure that the next chapters are good ^^
Thanks for reading I love you all <3
- Moxha ☁️~

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