◇Chapter 2◇

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⚠️Warning: This chapter will have slight sexual jokes and a toxic parent relationship pls don't read if don't like⚠️
Herbs POV:
I woke up the next morning and went
Got fixed up and went downstairs to open my shop
I didn't expect anyone to come in again as usual
But after about 30 minutes sparkling walked in
Sparkling: Good morning herb!
Herb: Oh good morning sparkling!
Hey uhm I just wanna say thanks...
Sparkling: For what?
Herb: A little kid came in her yesterday and she said that her brother told her about this place and your the only one who came in here so I'm assuming your the one that invited her here?
Sparkling: Oh yeah that!
And by the way her little girlfriend loved the flowers she bought from here
Herb: She's dating that young?
Sparkling: Yeah I can't believe it either
Herb: But thanks for trying to get more people to support my shop
Sparkling: Sure anytime!
Anyways are you busy today?
Herb: Well no I don't expect any customers today why?
Sparkling: Ah ok perfect!
Do you maybe wanna come to my bar and hang out there for a bit?
Herb: Uhm sure! I don't have anything eles to do!
Sparkling: Alright come on!
We both walk out of my shop
And go to sparklings bar
Once we got there I saw two cookies sitting on the stools
Sparkling: Hey guys sorry to keep you waiting!
Vampire: Oh hey sparks... who's this?
You already got another bitch better then Me?
Herb: Uhm... what?-
Mint choco: Vamps stop that your making them uncomfortable!
Hey! Sorry about that he's just still kinda salty about there break up...
Herb: Oh uh no worries!
Vampire: Wait isn't he one of the legendaries kids?
Sparkling: Yeah now don't try to force him to date you just cuz his parents are rich
Anyways guys this Herb!
Herb these are freinds mint choco and Vampire they can be.... weird sometimes but that's ok!
Mint choco: Hey I'm not weird!
I'm the one who has to keep this freind group sane!
Sparkling: Yeah sure
Anyways you all better be nice to him or I will not hesitate to slice your dicks off
Ok? Ok.
Mint choco: Welcome to this chaotic freind group! So what do you like to do?
Herb: I like to plant stuff!
I actually started a flower shop recently!
Mint choco: Oh cool! I'm definitely gonna go check it out
Herb: Thank you!
And what about you?
I look over at the other cookie
Sparkling: He's a lazy bitch alcoholic
Vampire: Hush
Eh but yeah I just come here every 2?.... 3 days?...
But that's the same with mint and look at him
Herb: Oh alright
So you two have been regulars here at sparks bar?
Mint choco: Yeah pretty much we've been friends since high school so we're practically not allowed to leave now
He makes amazing drinks too
Sparkling: Speaking of which
Can I get you anything to drink herb?
Herb: No I'm ok thank you though!
Sparkling: Alright!

~Time skip~
A few hours went by and no one was really talking to me... I mean I'm pretty sure there all extroverts and making conversations might be easy for them... but that's different for me...
I quietly stood up to leave
Sparkling: Herb wait! Whare are you going?
Surprised he even noticed me about to leave
Herb: Uhm I'm sorry I just... feel kinda awkward... I'm not used to making friends this fast so it'll take me awhile to kinda get used to all of you especially since it's three of you and not only one dose that sound weird I probably offended you I'm sorry!-
Sparkling: Hey don't apologize I get it!
Herb: Oh ok... uhm thanks I'll be heading back now
Sparkling: Alright! See you tomorrow then herb!

Sparklings POV:
Herb left and me and my friends were still taking with each other
Sparkling: He's such a nice guy! Haven't even known him for too long and I already consider him my best friend!
Vampire: And why's that?
Sparkling: Well because.... it just seems like we'll get along well?...
Mint choco: Do go and do that "love at first sight" thing remember last time you did that you had to deal with this thing for a year and a half
He pointed at vamps after
Sparkling: Yeah I've learned my lesson from that he just seems kinda lonely to be honest It seems like making friends is hard for him since he's so introverted
So ya know I just wanna help the man out!
Vampire: Oh woooow now your starting to be considering
Mint choco: Ok vamps can you just stop with that already? The break up happened 6 months ago and you both agreed that the relationship wasn't working out and you'll stay friends!
Sparkling: You know how he is...
Mint choco: Yeah... I just don't him bringing that up anymore it reminds me of what happened with my past relationship and thats just a whole other story I don't wanna remember!
Vampire: Ok ok fine little mister perfect!
I'm sorry I guess-...
Mint choco: Thank you for apologizing!
Sparkling: Alright you guys I'm gonna be closing soon you both should head home now
Mint choco: Alright bye sparks!
Both vamps and mint started walking back to there houses
After I finished cleaning up my bar I went back to my house
I opened the door and my dad looked like he just got back
Sparkling:....Hey dad!... how was work?...
Almond: Sparks not right now please I'm exhausted...
Sparkling:... but you promised that you'll spend time with me to-
Almond: Did you not just hear me?!
I said I'm fucking exhausted! How is it that your 22 and still can't listen to me?!
Sparkling: R-right!- I'm... sorry dad....ill leave you alone now...I'll be in my room if you need me...
I got to my room as I sighed as I layed on my bed
My dad's been likes this ever since his partner became a criminal... but I'm old enough to live on my own... but he dosnt want me too... he says he needs me for extra support on this... but he's always so annoyed at me Damn it dose he hate me or not?!
I was interrupted with my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door
Clotted cream: Hey sparks?...
Mind if I come in?...
Sparkling: No not at all come in...
Clotted cream: Hey.... are you ok?...I heard what dad said...
Sparkling: I mean... I guess...
It's not that big of a deal really he's just tired is all I'm sure anyone would be like that after working to save cookies lives!
Clotted: It still doesn't seem like your ok though...why don't you talk to one of your bar friends about this?
Sparkling: I can't have them worrying about me! They probably already have a lot to deal with already I don't wanna add to it!
Clotted cream: Hm.. alright... please you can tell me if anything bothering you I'm your brother ill be here forever Alright?
Sparkling: Yeah thanks...
He slightly smiled and went out of my room
I sighed again and drifted off to sleep

Damn only on the second chapter and there's already Angst lmao
Fun fact: Sparks is actually the middle child in this au so that prob explains why he's being treated like shit /j
But uh yeah sorry for not updating this ill try to do it more frequently and sorry for any spelling errors
Ok thats all see you next chapter :D
- Moxha ☁️~

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