□Chapter 3□

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⚠️Tw: this is contain a toxic parent relationship if you don't like that pls proceed with caution⚠️

Sparklings POV:
I woke up a bit earlier than usual to the sound of my brother and dad talking I wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about but after awhile clotted cream came into my room with his council uniform on
Clotted cream: Hey...
Sparkling: Uh hey is everything alright? I heard you and dad talking about something
And whats with all those bags are you having another long trip?....
Clotted cream: Actually... no...
Alright so... please don't be sad...but the elders wants me to move to the Republic permanently...
So I can be there as soon as something comes up
Sparkling: Oh...that's fine!
Will you come back to vist at least?...
He looked away sadly
Sparkling: You... will come back right?...
Clotted cream:I...won't...
I could feel tears start to form in my eyes
Sparkling: But why?...
Clotted cream: The custard family somehow made an agreement with dad and... they decided to adopt me...
Sparkling: WHAT?!-
But why!?... why would dad just agree to give you up like that... you can't leave me here your the only one I have family I have left that actually cares about me!
Clotted cream: I know... and I'm sorry....
But I have to do what I'm have to do...
I'm still gonna be with you though never forget that...
And I promise I'll find a way to see you again
But I have to go now...
He hugged me tightly and left
I just stood there tears falling down my face...
I walked out of my room to try and confront my dad about this but he wasn't there I guess he just left for work...
I sighed and went back to room I picked up my phone and saw some messages from my friends

Vampire 🍷:
- Sparks wake the fuck up did you forget you own a whole ass bar?
Sparkling ✨:
- Yeah uhm hey I'm gonna open a bit later today
Mint choco 🎻:
- Really why's that?
Everything ok?
Sparkling ✨:
- Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning I'm fine!
Mint choco 🎻:
- Alright
We invited herb too btw
Herb 🌿:
- Hi :D
Sparkling ✨:
- Oh hey herb :D
Herb 🌿:
- You sure you ok?
Just wanna make sure
Sparkling ✨:
- Yup everything is fine,great actually!
Herb 🌿:
- Okie good ^w^
Mint choco 🎻:
- Aww look Herb is already starting to fit in :D
Herb 🌿:
- Yeah we're all besties now even tho it's only been a day I like yall already >:D
Vampire 🍷:
- Hell yeah
Sparkling ✨:
- Now that your one of the bois time to ask you a very important question
Vampire 🍷:
- ArE yOu a VirGiN?!?!?!?
Sparkling ✨:
- No-
What's your sexuality :D?
Herb 🌿:
- haha
I'm gay >:)
Mint choco 🎻:
Sparkling ✨:
- Aye you continued the gay chain in this freind group >:DD
It ended with mint cuz he's bi but he might as well be gay at this point sinces he's mainly attracted to bois eheheheh
Herb 🌿:
- I'm so happy I found a fruity friend group you guys already seem so nice ty sparks for introducing me to them 😭☝️
Sparkling ✨:
- Yes ofc <3

A few hours went by of my freinds just texting each other
I learned a lot about herb just through texts and he seemed pretty nice and fun to be around I'm glad I just so happen to encounter him
I seemed to kinda feel better about everything that happened with my brother so I decided to let my friends know that I'm gonna open my bar soon

Sparkling ✨:
- Hey guys I'm gonna go open the bar now see you all there?
Herb 🌿:
- Yeah sure :D
Mint choco 🎻:
- Ok I'll be there!
Vampire 🍷:
- Get the "grape juice" ready
I got up from bed and got changed into my uniform and headed off to the bar and waiting there was my friends
Sparkling: Hey guys! Sorry to keep you waiting I was just really tired this morning
Herb: Oh no your fine don't worry about it We all have those days sometimes
I smile at him and go behind the counter
Sparkling: So do you guys want anything to drink?
Vampire: You should already know
Mint choco: I'll take some tea
Herb: Ooo can I have tea too!
Sparkling: Yeah of course coming right up!
A made the drinks and gave them
Herb: Thanks!
Sparkling: So anyways you all free tonight?
Vampire: Yeah why?
Sparkling: Cool sleepover at vamps house tonight at 7
Vampire: What?!
Mint choco: That sounds fun!
And it will get herb to adjust to us a but more
If he wants to go that is
Herb: Alright! I don't have much to do today either so I don't mind going
Sparkling: Your sister isn't going to be home tonight is she?
Vampire: Nope
Sparkling: Ok great
Mint choco: Can't we have it at your house? It's much bigger and you'll be able to make drinks for us there too!
Sparkling: Uhm...- Yeah uh... I would but uh... it's very messy! Yeah extremely messy and I don't think I'll have time to clean up the whole house by myself before the sleepover hehe...
Mint choco: Oh alright So vamps house then?
Sparkling: Yeah you all can get ready now we have a few hours
Herb: Alright I'll see you all there then!
Sparkling: Yeah see you soon!
I smiled and started to go back to my house to get ready for this sleepover I randomly decided to plan
Actually I kinda did it do get away from my dad... I really dont want to deal with him anymore especially since he gave my brother up like it was nothing...
I got to my house and saw wallnut sitting on the couch
Wallnut: Hey sparks!
Sparkling: Hey Wallnut your waiting for dad?
Wallnut: Yup!
Sparkling: Alright be careful when your on the case though
Wallnut: I'll be fine!
By the way is clotted cream on another 2 to 3 day mission again? I haven't seen him today or yesterday
She doesn't know?....
Why didn't he tell her yet...
Almond: Alright Wallnut you ready?
Wait sparks what are you doing here so early shouldn't you be at work?
Sparkling: I'm having a sleepover at my friends house
Almond: While your bar is still supposed to be opened?-
Your so lazy-
Almond: Anyways we gotta go work harder
Him and Wallnut walked out the door
Sparkling: Its fine... he's just overwhelmed I'm pretty sure...
I went to my room to pack all the stuff I needed by the time I was finished it was 6:45
I grabbed my things and made my way to vamps house
I got there and everyone was talking to each other
Vampire: Damn sparks how is it that your the one who planed this whole thing and your the last one here?
Rolled my eyes and was about to go in when I heard some yelling
The two cookies suddenly came rushing inside
Vampire: Excuse me but WHO IN THE FUCK ARE YOU?!-
Raspberry: Uh herb and mint wanted us to come?-
Me and vamps looked over at mint and herb
Mint choco: I was joking! I didn't think you two would actually come-
Clover: Well I did this time I shouldn't even be here you know how much trouble I'll be In if my mom finds out I'm here?!
Herb: Hi guys glade you can make it!
Vampire: Oh welp I guess there a part of this now
Raspberry: Hell yeah!
Sparkling: Arnt you two children of the ancients?
Clover: Yeah we are
Sparkling: Ooh so that's how you know herb
What about mint?
Herb: They have a thing going on hehe
Clover: We do not!
Vampire: So hold on what are yalls names?
You kinda just barged in here so-
Raspberry: Oh yeah sorry I'm Raspberry and I'm gay and this is Clover!
Vampire: Oh my God a fellow gay
Anyways since everyone is here now what do yall wanna do?
Raspberry: Let's play never have I ever
Vampire: Ok why not
You guys good with that?
Everyone agreed
Herb decided to sit next to me as everyone else got comfortable
I don't know why exactly but I started getting I bit nervous around him
I mean I am about to spill some of my deepest secrets and he's still kinda new here so I guess it's kinda normal to feel this way

Ehehehehhe some stuff bout to go down
I lowkey forgot about this story I'm sorry
Also some stuff in this story are gonna be a bit different from the mintclover one there not gonna be huge changes just minor changes so that both stories arnt the exact same
But I hope you enjoyed this even tho it was shit lmfao
But yeah thanks for reading and see you next chapter :D
- Moxha ☁️~

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