Yellow Stripe, Black Stripe, No more Stripes.

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"Dream" y/n yells rushing towards him and reaching for his muscular glimmering arm. "This isn't like you!" they scream again. Danny DeVito sees Dream rushing towards him and his beloved. Danny begins to grow tall and LARGE, his clothes tearing off him revealing his 8-pack. Y/N stands back in Awh, they know there is no way to stop what is about to happen.  Dream LUNGES at Danny, they begin to battle. One punch, Two Punch, Three punch, four, The punches don't seem to stop cuming from either direction. Dream grabs Danny DeVito by the collar and throws him against the mansion wall. Y/N gasps cutely.  Dream looks at Danny laying on the ground, then he turns his fury-filled gaze towards Barry B Benson. "Oh No........" Y/N whispers to themself. Dream begins to walk towards Barry, as barry shakes knowing the end is nye. "Dream just leave it... I'll be fine..." Y/N yells while keeping their distance from the RAGING Dream. "No. It is time to pay for his sins" Dream says as he grabs Barry in his strong muscular giant shimmering green hand. *CRUNCH*

Dream opens his hand as Barry's bent body falls to the ground. Dream heads inside brushing past Y/N "Don't be late for Supper tonight" He says looking down at them.

Danny stands, wobbling barely able to hold himself up, he stares and Barry's lifeless body. "this isn't the last of me." Danny says, and weakly flies off into the forest

Thats WHat the mask is: No way home PART 3Where stories live. Discover now