In The Future

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The peace between Earth and Homeworld remained strong after everything. Overtime, relations just seemed to improve. Steven got his happy ending, just as he wanted, but he knew that a happily ever after doesn't exist. Just like the Crystal Gems, he would stand ready to deal with any threat that threatens the peace, whether that be a Homeworld or Earth threat. But for now, he enjoys the peace that he gained and the friends he made along the way. 

This day was like any other day now. Steven woke up, cleaned up and got dressed and decided that he'll treat himself to a nice breakfast. His nice breakfast would be a trip to the Big Donut to pick up some donuts for himself, and maybe Amethyst if she wants some. As he walks out of the temple, he looks out to the beach. In the distance, Lars and his ship crew are seen entering his ship that's resting on a newly constructed pad quite far from the temple on the beach. Steven smiled at his friend for a couple seconds and then turned to go down the stairs. But before he can go down the stairs, in the corner of his eye, he would see someone sitting on top of the temple. He would sharply turn to see who this figure is, seeing it to be a gem named Tobelerite, a tall gem with light gray skin and a white gem on his chest, found when Steven, Lars (and his crew), Pearl, and Garnet re-explored where the off colors were found, finding him still in hiding from everything. It took a while for Tobelerite to get used to everything, to the peace and... not hiding from the Diamonds, but Steven and Tobelerite became friends during this time. 

Steven would jump a bit from suddenly seeing him up there, making him gasp while doing so. He would let out a sigh of relief and holds his chest before saying "Oh, Tobelerite... it's you! You scared me..." He says while Tobelerite looks down at him, only for him to stare at him for a few seconds before looking back up to the beach. Steven would give a confused and concerned look before looking back at the beach himself, watching as Lars and his crew are still getting ready. Steven would then decide to go up to the roof and sits down next to him, give him some company. As Steven sits next to him, silence would ensue for about 10 seconds before Steven says "How are you doing today...?" while looking at him. Tobelerite wouldn't turn to Steven, staring at the beach, only responding with a simple and stern "Fine..." Silence would ensue for a few seconds again before Steven says "It's a pretty peaceful day. Quite sunny... and I see that Lars is getting ready to go into space again!" That last part would set something off in Tobelerite. Steven would take notice that Tobelerite seemed to have looked down a bit and started to blush, making Steven get a little suspicious. "What's the matter...? You seemed to have gotten a little... flustered." Tobelerite would think to himself in silence for a bit before he decides to speak up "Listen to me... you don't tell this to anyone! Okay...?!" He yells while quickly turning his head to Steven. Steven would quickly nod and says "Okay, I promise...! What's up...?" 

Tobelerite would stay quiet again and looks away as he starts to blush harder, eventually blurting out, "I... really like Lars..." Steven would widen his eyes as he hears that, but that surprise turns into a smile. Seeing another gem interested in a human filled him with joy, it reminded him of his own parents. "Is that what you were staring at from the beach?" He asks, making Tobelerite only reply with a meek nod. Steven would chuckle and scooch closer to him, wrapping an arm around him. "You should get closer to him, Tobelerite. I mean... if you only look at him from a distance, you'll never get close to him. Try to talk and hang out with more, okay?", Steven would say with a big smile on his face. Tobelerite would turn to him and gives a little smile "I... okay... I'll try... thanks Ste-" He would get cut off as flashes of a bright red light start to randomly appear on the beach. Steven and Tobelerite would quickly stand up at the flashes of red, as well as these catching the attention of Lars and his crew. "What is that?! What's-" Steven would yell but get cut off as the brightest flash would end the flashing lights. In its place, three people have seen to have teleported on the beach. All of them were wearing dark, hooded robes, the hoods have it so it's too dark to see their faces. One of them was infront of the two others. "What... who are they...?!" Tobelerite exclaims as Steven would jump down "Get the other Crystal Gems! They're inside!" Yells Steven as he runs down to the beach. 

Steven would run to these figures but as he got closer, he would slow down and stare at them. The three figures had their heads looking down. As Steven gets to a reasonable distance to them, he would yell "Who are you?!" As he yells that, Garnet, Ameythest, and Pearl would quickly approach behind Steven, having their weapons drawn. On top of that, Lars and his crew would be seen approaching the three hooded figures from behind to see what's going on as well. Steven would hold up their hand to the crew, telling them to keep their distance, before yelling out again "Hey! Can you hear me...? Who are you three?" The hooded figures would stay quiet for a while before the one in front speaks up, saying "We are here... to give warning to Earth. A conflict is about to begin in Homeworld. A conflict Earth has no part in." The voice is a male voice, he would speak quite softly but also unnerving. Steven was about to speak up and ask them questions, as many were already flooding his head, but the voice would speak up again. "You two may be allies... but if you do not have Earth stay out of this conflict, wether humans or gems living here on Earth..." Him and the two other hooded figures would finally look up at them in unescence. Inside the hood of the one infront, his left eye is seeing glowing red. In the other two's hoods, both their eyes glow yellow. The sight fills the Crystal Gems with more shock as the figure would say "Earth will face... dire... consequences." Steven would stare at them in shock for a couple seconds before yelling "What conflict?! What are you talking about?!" Steven wouldn't get a response, as a flash of red light makes them all turn away and shield their eyes. As they turn back, the three hooded figures would seem to have disappeared. Steven would look with more pure shock and a bit of fear as he would turn to his fellow Crystal Gems to see them with the same expression. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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