04 | limbrey's letter

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VOICES WERE THE last thing Emerson expected to hear when she got home

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VOICES WERE THE last thing Emerson expected to hear when she got home. Sometimes her mother was awake this late, but never talking to anyone else even on the phone. So when Emerson walked through the door and was met with raised voices, she was immediately confused.

The argument that was clearly being had stopped the second she shut the door. Emerson swallowed thickly as she slowly crept further into her house, her eyes widening slightly when she was met with her mother and a man. She'd never seen the guy before, but he looked like he was around her mother's age. He had wrinkles that aged his skin and intense, calculating eyes. Both heads swiveled in her direction and Ashley stiffly stood up from her seat at the dining room table.

"Mom?" Emerson questioned. She quirked an eyebrow, lingering at the end of the hall that opened into her living and dining rooms. "Who's this?"

The man looked intrigued as he stared at her, head tilted to the side in a mixture of surprise and disbelief. He snapped out of his trance fairly quickly, though, and turned back to the older woman. "The money," he said gruffly. "I'll be back soon to collect it. Don't keep me waiting any longer."

Before Emerson had a chance to question the man further, he shoved past Emerson and stormed out of the house. "Pleasure meeting you!" Emerson shouted hotly just as the door slammed. She sighed and rubbed her temples, marching forward so she was face to face with her mother. "What the hell is that guy talking about?"

"Language." Ashley shot her daughter a look and sighed as she closed her briefcase. "He worked with your father for awhile and Duncan owes him some money, that's all."

Emerson thought back to when she overheard Duncan arguing on the phone with someone, and her stare darkened. She was tired of her parents walking on eggshells around her and keeping secrets. If she'd learned anything this past summer, it was that secrets usually wound people up dead.

"Are you sure?" The brunette pressed. "He's not threatening you, is he?"

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, dear. Of course not. And even if he was, I am much more equipped to handle it than you are."

A pang resonated throughout Emerson's chest as she straightened her shoulders and frowned. She had gone from being berated about not getting good enough grades to being looked at like a delinquent.

Chewing on her lip in a desperate attempt to hold her tongue, Emerson gripped the chair in front of her with white knuckles. "Forgive me for being worried," she drawled sarcastically.

"Where were you this time?" Ashley sighed. Her feet carried her past the teenager and into the kitchen to put away the few dishes that littered the sink. The house was pretty spotless considering Emerson hadn't been home in almost two whole days. "Out causing trouble with those friends of yours again?"

"Yep," Emerson gritted. She rolled her eyes as she turned to watch her mother, knowing full well she was going to get a lecture. "Spare me the high and mighty parent act tonight, will you?" She cut in before Ashley could say anything. "I'm exhausted."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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