A normal day in Ooo

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( I don't own adventure time or any of its characters)

It was a normal day in the tree house, Finn was still asleep in his bed especially after a long battle from yesterday Finn and Jake had battled a huge monster that was trying to destroy tree trunks apple trees after that they had apple pie and went home, Jake was in the kitchen making bacon pancakes.

"Hey Finn! Bro come down I made bacon pancakes for breakfast!" Jake said shouting to Finn

"Uhrggg... man I'm tired as heck from that monster.. alright I'm coming Jake!" Finn shouted back to the yellow dog

Finn quickly put on his blue shirt, some shorts and, his green backpack and headed down to the kitchen where Jake was, Jake had already set a plate of bacon pancakes on the table for Finn

"Hey Jake?" Finn asked
"Yeah bro?" Jake said
"I'm probably going to go adventure out on my own for a bit, just some alone time" Finn said
"Alright man, just make sure you get back in one piece" Jake said jokingly to his brother
Finn finished his bacon pancakes and headed for the door and left outside once Finn got outside he took a few steps back to kind of see the top of the tree house

"See you later fern! I'm going to be out for a bit!"

Finn yelled at the top of his lungs hoping for fern to hear him, and then he set off to the forest. Fern was just relaxing on the rooftop of the tree house until he heard Finn yell to him that he was going to be out for a bit he Decided to not respond because he was to busy sitting and looking at all of Ooo
"Man... I'm such an idiot..." fern said as he thought of when we was 'fun' "I can't believe all I did was mess around and drink root beer the whole time while everyone was in trouble being turned to.. candy, fire, or whatever else..." fern sighed at the thought of him being 'fun' and just frolicked around with neptr and made pink lemonade with lemon grab, "maybe I should go see what Jake is up to so I don't get lost in my thoughts again..."
Fern headed down the rooftop of the treehouse and into the kitchen where Jake was cleaning all the pots, pans and other dishes

"Hey Jake..." fern said a little down

"Hey man. Is something wrong?" Jake asked

"I dunno Jake... why did you guys even trust me to keep Ooo at bay when you left anyway?..." fern asked to Jake wondering if the answer will be just a "I don't know" or a change in the subject

"Because man, Finn trusts you dude I'm still a little worried about you because you tried to replace Finn  an all but I kind of trust you." Jake answered with somewhat of a smile to reassure the grass boy

"But I let you and Finn down... I let all of Ooo down I messed everything up I let all of Ooo get crazy, and guess what I did nothing! I did nothing... nothing to stop it, just drank root beer and had my memory's erased..." fern said with a frown on his face

" look man, if I'm being honest with you no one could have stopped that mess you wouldn't even be able to not even me and Finn, we we're only able to stop it because Lsp was there" Jake said

"I guess your right... thanks Jake your great to talk to..." fern said feeling a little better from the incident of Ooo

"Course man, hey how about we get our mind off things and bake cupcakes together?" Jake said wanting to try something new

"Sure man, I think I really need to get my mind off things... but you know I can't eat real food right?" Fern said curious on how he would even be able to eat any of the things they would bake

"Well I was thinking we make fern cakes! I wanted to try something out and nothing better than to do it with you!"

"You really think so?" Fern said with somewhat a smile on his face 

"Of course man! Here let's go to the store we are going to make these fern cakes with plant stuff and whatever plants need so really only fern can eat them!" Jake said with a little bit of excitement to try making these

"Ya alright man, let's go then" fern said feeling better from before.

Jake and fern walked out the door to go to the grocery kingdom when they stumbled upon something in the forest fern and Jake decided to go check it out

"What the heck was that?" Fern asked startled by the movement in the forest

"I don't know, maybe some evil creature?" Jake said also startled by the movement in the forest

Fern and Jake both agreed to go check out what the strange rumbling was they appeared in a blank grassy area with some flowers

"What do you think it was fern?" Jake asked fern a little worried but determined to find out what this thing was

"I'm not sure but whatever it is, is probably evil" fern said pulling out a grass sword in his right hand

"Well seems like we're going to have to pause on the fern cakes and fight some monster" Jake said getting his fists ready for whatever pops out of the bushes around them

A low rustling comes from the bushes near ferns right but quickly runs over to jakes left both fern and Jake surprised from the rustling moving pretty quickly from side to side

"Come out whatever you are!" Fern said getting a little annoyed

"okay new friend!" An unknown voice said from one of the bushes

"Wait a minute.. that voice sounds familiar..." Jake said trying to remember the voice at the back of his mind

Loud rumbling from the bush between both fern and Jake make fern jolt to his side and Jake surprisingly jumps to his side as well then outcomes not a creature but a familiar face fern and Jake jump shockingly undoing their fighting stance and weapons when they realize that thing is actually....

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