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"FINN?!" The grass boy and yellow dog yelled whilst saying in a state of shock lowering their weapons and stance both of them were in

"W-what?!- how in the world did you turn to... candy??! I thought the infection from the elements was over?" Fern said still surprised but yet confused

A low giggle was heard from the candy Finn before he spoke "you two are silly gooses! Im not sure how you knew my name buuutttt!... I'm Finn! Finn the Finn cake!"

"Aww.... Man come on your just pullin a prank on us right? Finn?.." the yellow dog said concerned for his brother

"Hehehe, there's no pun to fun little yellow doggy! Your my new friends and we're gunna have so much fun together!" Said candy Finn

"since princess bubblegum knows a lot about candy maybe she can help bring you back to normal" said fern

"Okie dokie new friend!" I would love to see other strangers and make even more friends!" Said the candy Finn clueless to who princess bubblegum was

"Ya! Pb will know just what to do and how to turn Finn back, good thinking fern!" Jake said glad to at least have an idea on how to get his brother back.

Fern, Jake, and Finn left the forest to go to the candy kingdom to where pb is, during their walk finn was looking at everything as if it where new and had never been seen before while on the other hand fern and Jake had to keep an eye on him so he doesn't wander off and get hurt

"Tehehehe! Hahahah! Oooo a butterfly! Heheh this grass seems soft! OHHH look at thatttt! tehehehahah! A dancing bug hehehaha!" Finn said while not noticing they where close to the candy kingdom

"Oh geez! No Finn come back stay on track!" Fern said getting tired of chasing Finn everywhere

"Uhh here lemme help you out there fern" said Jake while stretching out and swirling his arms around Finn and lifting him from the ground

*sigh* "thanks Jake" said fern annoyed "even tho you could have done that way before..." said fern under his breath

"What was that?" Jake said

"O-oh uh nothing" fern lied "ehm... oh look the candy kingdom!"

"Huh! Oooo that place looks cooooool!!" Said Finn Still being carried in the air

"Uh- ya this place is supperrrr cool! So once we get inside you won't run off when pb examines you righhttt?" Said fern trying to play along with Finn as if he where talking to a 5 year old

"Thhehehheahah sure new frienddd!" Said Finn

After that the three of them arrived at the candy kingdom jake said hi to the banana guard as they let them in and the three went inside the castle looking for pb when they came across peppermint butler

"Oh! Hey pep!" Said Jake hoping that peppermint butler would know were pb is

"Oh uh what are you doing here?" Said peppermint butler confused

"Hey uh... do you know where pb is?" Said fern a little in a rush

"Oh uhm... the princess should be in her lab" said peppermint butler ignoring the candy looking Finn being held by Jake

"Thanks pep!" Said Jake

Jake, and fern walked to pb's lab while dragging Finn along so he doesn't get lost once they entered the lab they saw pb working on another candy citizen

"And that should be it! Alright little one you can go now!" Said pb unaware that fern and Jake where in the room with her

"Thank you princess!" Said the candy citizen leaving the room

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