Chapter One

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S1- Episode 1, The Vanishing of Will Byers
Key information-
E/C -eye color
H/C Hair color
S/c Skin tone
H/l Hair length

Hawkins Indiana
The night is quiet, as it always has been in this small corner of Indiana, and yet this night is unlike any other. The halls were especially bare, occupied only by the melody of the generator humming as it struggled to pump light throughout the twisted maze of halls. That was, until...

The steel door rips open, colliding fast and hard with the walls with a fantastic thud. Swallowing all remaining silence along with it was the cry of alarms that flood the hallway as he runs for his life. The man finds himself at the elevator, furiously slamming his hand against the elevator button hoping just maybe it might summon the elevator faster. As he does so, the man continues to look over his shoulder in a panic.
He knows it's after him.


"Something is coming. Something hungry for blood," Mike says, his voice barely above a whisper. "A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness."
Subconsciously we all slowly lean in waiting for whatever happens next.

"It is almost here."
"What is it?" Will ask suddenly, no longer capable of containing his curiosity.
This time it's Dustin who cuts in, "What if it's the Demogorgon?"

I take a deep breath in suspense, and out of the corner of my eye, Will nearly throws himself back in his seat.
"Oh, Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon."  I  rambled on.

Lucas speaks up, "It's not the Demogorgon." He sounds very sure of himself which gives me more confidence.
We all jump a little in our seats when Mike slams one of the game pieces down in front of us suddenly as he shouts, "An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!"

I sigh in great relief as Lucas gives a very smug and quite frankly, sassy look to Dustin as he props his elbow on the back of his chair which earns a soft chuckle from me.
"Troglodytes?" Dustin asks in disbelief.

"Told ya," I roll my eyes at Lucas despite the smile that grows on my face.
Everyone shares a good laugh, all of us relieved when my eyes meet Will's and we share a smile and a shake of the head as if silently saying 'I can't believe we were so worried for nothing'.

Mike starts looking around as he says "Wait a minute. Did you hear that?"
"That...That sound," he says softly.
"Boom... Boom," his voice is getting slightly louder with each 'boom'. We all stare at Mike expectantly, hanging on to his every word.
"BOOM!" Mike bellows as he slams his hands against the flat surface, making the table as well as all of us jump.
I always get too into these games, I realize. My heart is racing as adrenaline courses fast through my veins. I look over and it seems when I jumped I grabbed on to the nearest thing next to me which happened to be Will's arm. Sheepishly, I retract my hand and I look back at Mike in anticipation.

That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that... That came from something else." Mike continues.
We all look around at each other as we wait for Mike.
In an instant, Mike slams the next figure down on the board and exclaims, "The Demogorgon!"
'Yep. We're screwed.'
The silence is replaced with all of our defeated groans. Dustin sighs and says, "We're in deep shit."
(Time skip)

"And, FIREBALL!" He throws the dice on the table out of excitement they go flying onto the floor.
"Oh shit!"
We all jump to our feet, scrambling to find the dice in anticipation.
"Where'd it go?" Lucas asks. "Where is it?"
Will almost sounded defensive, "I don't know!"
"Is it a 13?"
"How are we suppose to know if we haven't found the dice yet, Dustin?" I retort.
"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Dustin chants as he paces back and forth. I roll my eyes as I continue to search on my hands and knees.
"Mike," It was Mrs. Wheeler.
"Mom we're in the middle of a campaign!" Mike exclaims.
"You mean the end? Fifteen after."
Mike sighs, exasperated, and disappears up the stairs.
I hear Lucas accuse Will. "Oh, my God! Freaking Idiot!"
"Lucas," I ease. "come on, it's not his fault. We were all caught up in the game. Let's just focus on- OH! Found 'em!"
I jump to my feet, pointing down at the D-20 dice for my friends to see, not wanting to tamper with the roll. The boys come running over, nearly knocking me back down to the ground in the process.
"Shit, it's a seven." We all groan in frustration, especially Will.
"Does a seven count?" Will asked hopefully.
"Did Mike see it?" Lucas counters.
"Well, no."
"Then it doesn't count."
I sigh, beginning to pack up my bags and tidy up my mess knowing it was time to leave. The others do the same.
"Why do we have to leave?" Will asks sadly as we head up the stairs. "It was just getting good."
"I know," I sigh, swinging my arm over his shoulder dramatically as we make our way to the garage. "I know. But hey, just think how awesome the next one will be, eh?" I tease trying to get my best friend to smile.

(Next Day)
"Sis....... Sis Wake up!" A blonde boy shook his sister awake. I let out a groan.
"Don't make me get Ashton." He says .
"Oh no not Ashton! He'll make the bed all wet!" I exclaimed.
"Well hurry up and get up then. If you're not up in ten minutes I'll get him in here. Also mom made breakfast so if I were you I'd hurry. You know how Kayden gets when it comes to food." Luke says walking out the room.
Time skip to after breakfast
" Are you ridding in the car with us? Or are you going with your boyfriends to school?" Kayden said.
"Woah boyfriends?????? Not on my watch . Your too young." My other brother Tristan says over-protectively while smothering me against his chest.

" For the last time , I'm not dating any of them. They're my best friends." I say pulling away.

"Not even one of them?" Tristan asked .

"No!" I said annoyed.
"Although, she likes one of them," Luke says smugly, his eyes hiding a smirk on his face.
"WHAT!!!" Tristan yells.
"LUKE!!!! What the hell!" I yelled at him getting up to leave . "For the record, I'm taking my bike." I put my plate in the sink and put my shoes on and head out the door not before hearing my Tristan yell,
"We're not done talking about this!!!"
(Srry y'all there's going to be a bunch of time skips:)

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