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Hello everybody . This is the author here. And he is telling that this is the first chapter of this story  and there will be more chapters in the future . Well if you like this chapter then please vote it 😹😹. So, let's start this story.

This is the updated version. If you had already read it, you may ignore this. Just slight changes are done
It's a beautiful morning in the vermillion city of kanto region . It's already half past eight but our two heroes are still sleeping in their bedroom in prof. Cerise lab .

'Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! 'Somebody screamed from the bedroom of our two heroes

A girl entered into the room and asked 'what happened here'

A boy nearly of 16  was lying on the floor and his whole face was painted in black and a boy who was barely 15 was standing near him .

'Ahh ! Why you did that pikachu' the boy recovered and said. 'pika pika( you don't wake up on your own and I am making you awake then you are treating me like this ' pikachu said more like scolded the boy on his behaviour.

'What is happening here and ash why is your face painted in black  ' the same girl who entered the room few seconds ago asked. Ash who was covered in soots shaked his head sideways to remove the dust from his head and answered  'Chloe, nothing happened. They just waked me up with a thunderbolt'   ' oh ,ok  ' chloe said and then added ' My father had just called you  both . ' ' Ok we are coming.'The boy was standing the whole time said this . ' I wonder why he had called us. Do you know anything goh 'Ash  asked.

' I dunno , let's check this out' The boy who was named goh responded' Ok
After doing their chores ,they went to see prof.

When they went inside the lab they saw that Prof. and their assistants were doing some work. They went there and asked ' Prof. ,you have called us. '  Prof. moved towards them and said 'yeah , Ash and Goh , I had called you because I have a mission for both of you' 

'oh really' Goh said out of joy' yeah ' prof. Repeated' so what is the job professor'ash said 'well I want to ask that if anyone of you knows anything about arceus the god Pokemon' 'No I don't know' Goh said 'and you ash' and then added but when he looked at ash he saw that he was spaced out ' hello , earth to ash '

''huh,what happened''  nothing you were Just spaced out. ' ' oh,i was just thinking about something. ' '  So tell me ash , do you know anything about Arceus, the god of the universe' ' Yeah ,i know '  prof and his assistants got shocked and  asked' you know '  'yes' 'then tell us more about it , it will help us in our research''ok, i first met with him when I was travelling sinnoh region with brock and dawn . When we went there suddenly arceus appears  from nowhere and start attacking us .'as ash was telling them the story chloe interrupted and said ' why he attacked  you ' ' Because he wanted jewel of life' 'what is jewel of life ' this time goh interrupted. 

' Jewel of life is a jewel which arceus created with his powers ''
' but why he created it'This time prof. Interrupted'' to make the region fertile ' 'oh'   after ash completed telling them the whole story of sinnoh then he said' and the second time we meet with him in kalos' and then he started telling the whole story of kalos,  after listening to his story  everybody went to a shock  but recovered soon and then asked ash ' you had seen all those legendary pokemon.  ' Prof. Asked in a shock

' yeah ' ash said'first dialga,palkia , giratina , arceus,heatran,lugia,hoopa,raquazza,.    Groudon,kyogre,kyurem,and many more. How many legendary pokemon you have seen ash' Goh asked  ' I had seen all legendary pokemon ,here my phone also says that ' ash said showing his phone.'whattttttttt! ' everyone exclaimed  in surprise. They were in a state of shock.

But the first  one to be recovered was goh and he said' You had seen all legendary pokemon , but why haven't you told us ' ' Because i am not a brat who everytime brats about his achievements' 'Ok. It's hard for someone to see one legendary Pokemon in their entire life but you have seen all of them at this age.' 

Every body understood why ash didn't told them and as they were talking ash's phone started to ring 'one second'Ash took out the phone from his pocket who he had recently put in the pocket after showing them all the legendary pokemon he have seen .

After seeing the caller id ash became happy because it stated that the call was from his mom.It means that her mother was calling him. ' excuse me ' ash said and then went away and then picked the call
                      On the call
Ash:- Hello mom
Delia:- Hey ash , How are you doing ,sweety.
Ash:- I am doing fine mom , btw how are you doing.
Delia:- I am also doing great. Btw I called you because I wanted to told you that you should come here
Ash:- why mom. Is there any reason.
Delia:- yeah honey,  there is a surprise waiting for you .
Ash:- really, then I will come for sure.
Delia:- Meet you soon honey. Bye
Ash:- Bye mom.
Then ash ended the call and went near prof. Cerise and other and asked ' Prof. can i go to my house because my mom has called me. She said that she had a surprise.' prof. 'Yeah sure ,you could go there. I was also thinking that you both need a vacation' ' yeah' ash and goh cheered '  and they packed their things .Little did ash know what was waiting for him .

Somewhere else at the same time
?::- i think this is the time for him to know . Don't you think delia.
Delia a. k a ash's mother:- yeah adam  you are right . It's the time for him to know . And he is soon to be 16 . So it is best for him.
Adam:- yeah it would be better for him.  And he is also coming here in few hours. 
By the time he will reach he will know who he really is. And where he truly  belongs to!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Updated :- . All the chapters will be updated .... There will be a lot of changes in the upcoming chapters

So boys and girls. My first chapter is completed . Hope you liked . And if you can then you can also read my other book

Pokemon God Ash

1092 words including this .


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