Part 2

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Every fear, insecurity, and suppressed panic rammed to the surface all at once.

Cale didn't actually get drunk. Which meant that he didn't wake up in strange places with no memory how he got there. He actually had an uncomfortably good memory.

Fear. Where was he? How did he get here? Was he in danger? Had something terrible happened. Could he make it home? Where was he? What would happen to him? Who is that man? Why? Why? Why? How. Please. Safety. Please.

Insecurity. Wow. That's probably the most attractive person I've ever seen and he's looking down at me with affectionate concern and I can still feel the alley grime dripping down my spine and the bruises decorating my face from earlier and I look terrible and I feel like a gross cockroach that crawled into someone's home and I'd rather die than be right here right now. Help. Hide. Help.

Panic. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck–

In simpler terms, Cale's mind was in a state of ever fluctuating chaos with no sign of reprieve.

The very naked man was approaching with a look of growing fearful concern, paying no mind to his state of undress as he did so. Chestnut skin framed by neat brunette locks and those deep brown eyes and his physique–Cale flinched away from the gentle hand that reached out towards him as the man crouched in front of him.

"Cale...? What happened to you?" That same gentle hand caressed his cheek and Cale flinched again, feeling the bruise. "How did this... who...?"

At least they were both deeply confused over the circumstances. Cale swallowed thickly.

"Fuck–put on some fucking pants!" He snapped, averting his heating cheeks and wandering eyes while he edged away from him. "Who the fuck are you!? Why are you acting so familiar with me?! I've never met you before in my life! Just leave me alone! Do you know who I am?!" He attempted a haughty voice but it wavered as the chaos that was his mind collided with itself all over again.

The following silence unnerved Cale. He hadn't really thought further than to argue, bite, and fight like a terrified dog and not receiving any argument in return wasn't giving him a lot of kindling. He peeked over and saw the man frowning thoughtfully at him, pulling back his hand slowly.

"Okay." He said, standing up in as non-threatening a way possible and grabbing a pair of pants that had apparently been discarded near the bed. Cale didn't really want to think about why. After he'd complied with Cale's request he turned that same thoughtful frown back to Cale and it made him feel uncomfortably seen.

Like this man was really looking at him. Not just a surface glance like most people risked.

"Cale, you're hurt. Will you come with me to get cleaned up?"

Cale wanted to fight back, argue, throw something, anything to ease the chaos inside of him through catharsis.

But he really did feel gross and the bruises hurt and nothing about this situation was going to get worse if he allowed for just a moment of self care. Cale nodded slowly, making his way to his feet, unbalanced on top of a twisted ankle, and kept a cautious distance from this stranger.

If the man minded, he didn't show it outwardly. "This way to the bathroom." He said and Cale took the moment to take in the surroundings.

They were... different. He'd never actually seen a room like this before. It was definitely a bedroom but subtle differences in the decor and architecture were bothering him.

They just felt so strangely foriegn.

The bathroom looked strange too. Cale could tell what everything was, more or less, but there were so many strange little differences that made Cale wonder if he was somehow in a foriegn kingdom or even on a different continent.

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