Prologue: An Ominous Premonition.

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The Full Moon was shining above Gensokyo, a land of Fantasy separated from our world. There, Humans, Youkai and other creatures like Tengus live in harmony until an incident occurs. But the powerful Maiden from the Hakurei Shrine, Reimu is the one who always make peace in the land forcing the culprits to cease their activities. Many living beings of all the races are grateful to her for her efforts even if her donation box is always empty since she's supposed to destroy Youkai but she doesn't since they are still alive, violating the main rule of a Hakurei Maiden's role. But until now, there were no consequences...

At the Bamboo Forest, near from the Human Village, a green and silver-haired beautiful beast woman with a pair of horns and a fluffy tail is flying through the sky. It was Keine Kamishirasawa in her True Form (1)

(1): Keine is a Hakutaku, a beast of the History. She knows every event present, past and future in Gensokyo due to her record scroll. Without full moon she disguises as a human history teacher with blue instead of green colors. She can modify events and hide them, but in her true form she can even create new ones. Always acts as a responsible adult, but on her full moon appearance, some chaos is added to her personality.

Keine: "I feel something weird in the ambience. This is interesting, another incident? Hehehe, so the Maiden has more work to do. Let's see the scroll."

From her breasts she gets an old mystical parchment scroll with plenty of ink caligraphy and drawings on it.

Keine: "Tomorrow, something will come and peace in all Gensokyo will be menaced in the worst possible way. It's not very specific... this looks bad, the last time I had an event without every detail was catastrophic. Time to act like a responsible adult."

Suddenly some shining flames were twinkling through the trees, it was a girl with long, blunt white hair made into a big ponytail with a ribbon. She was wearing a white shirt with red pants filled with amulets. It was Fujiwara No Mokou (2)

(2): She's an almighty phoenix who has a quarrel with the exiled Moon Princess Kaguya. Took the legendary Hourai Elixir and now she can't die so easily.

Mokou: "So you was here. I was worried to not seeing you at home, Keine. When there's full moon you tend to be everything except a responsible adult."

Keine: "Come on, we have to relax from time to time. And I have plenty of days to correct my students's exams. I believe that almost all of them did pass. Don't you want some private classes with the teacher?"

Answers with a mischievous smile caressing the phoenix girl's face. Mokou's answer is nodding with her cheeks turning red.

Keine: "Anyway there's one topic I would like to discuss with you. Read at this page and tell me what do you find here. Justify your answer."

Mokou: "You don't leave the Teacher's acting even here, huh? Very well... hmmm... <Gensokyo will be menaced in the worst possible way> as if all the incidents from before weren't problematic.

Keine: "This looks like a story worthy of be recorded but we should tell the Youkai Sage everything we know to see if she could give us some info."

Mokou: "Are you talking about Yakumo Clan's head? It may be dangerous to enter her Sanctuary without giving a previous explanation. Her powers are greater than even mine."

Keine: "I see it a perfect plan. She's attached enough to Reimu to give us an audience. Nothing will happen to us."

Once in the Yakumo Sanctuary surroundings, the atmosphere was charged, in fact a faint purple aura was visible all over the place. Ran Yakumo(3) did stop both visitors with her sleeping clothes.

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