Author's note

584 82 1

Hey guys!!

Really sorry this isn't a legit chapter update but I felt like there were a few things I needed to address:

1) I write my novels for the pure joy of it, but I'd also like to remind you guys that I don't get paid for this. So I would appreciate more feedback on my story. I'd like to hear your thoughts because at this point I'm not too sure whether or not to continue this story because of how little responses I get.

2) Votes. I really am trying to get more people reading my story and I'm proud to say I've finally hit 1,300 reads. But all in all to get more reads I need more votes and I've decided that I might start doing what most people on wattpad are doing and update based off of the amount of votes I can obtain per chapter.

3) This third one isn't really all that important but I just wanted to inform you guys that I've started writing a new book called, Prom Bet With The Tomboy. It's a little different from my usual style of writing but I'd appreciate it if you guys would check it out.

So that's basically it. I'm not saying any of this is required for me to continue my story, but it would be strongly appreciated if you guys would start doing any of this more frequently.

Anyhow, Love you guys!!

Next update should be over the next few days so keep an eye out.

So always remember to:





Until next time,


The bad boy, the best friend, and the nerd.Where stories live. Discover now