Deleting this?

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Hey guys I just wanna be straightforward and ask if anymore would be super devastated if I took this story down?

It was my first story on Wattpad and I feel like it had more potential but I wrote it when I was like super young and I think that that's definitely affected the quality of this story. I feel like I know more than I did about writing now but if I take this story down I'm not sure if I'll actually put it back up because it just feels like a lot of revision for me to do. 

I really do love the characters in this story so if I do end up taking this down and not putting it back up I might throw them in another story, who knows?

Anyways I just wanted to know if anyone would wanna like throw knives at me if I take this story down cause if so then I won't take it down. 

My other story "The Girl Who Stutters, and The Boy Who Mutters." just hit 100K so if any of you read it thanks so much. 

Also people seem to be enjoying "Love At First Fight" so it'd be awesome if you could check any of my stories out. 

Stay alive |-/  (I'm such TOP trash).

Love you all!!!

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