Chapter 6 - Money in the Pot

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The beginning of May is a strange month for me. Maya always uses it as a special vlogging month which means I end up roped into it. She drives me to different places, brings me out to photoshoots together, bakes a ton, works on new art, and this year she wants to change my wardrobe for content. Her plans are for a brand new hair colour and more vintage rock outfits. I don't get much of a say in this, I'm just going along with it. There's no point in trying to get out of it. I won't get much of a say in the matter. I'll just go along with it because I don't want an argument or anything like that. I don't have the energy anymore.


Ah, May Day bank holiday. A day to have an extra lay in bed. No Monday madness. Dad and Stefan are out for coffee, my grandparents are out doing whatever they do. Maya is packing the last of the stuff in the car for our trip. She's taking me to Brighton for the day. I don't know why. Hair? Clothes? I have to wait and see. The camera is on the dashboard so I guess we're vlogging the way there. Usually on these kinds of trips she'll take my phone as well so I can be as surprised as possible or some shit.


I don't wanna go but I can't say no. She's already driving.


Turns out that Brighton was for a clothing shop. We picked up studded boots, a ton of belts, some band shirts and new black jeans to paint artwork on. Today is, apparently, for dyeing my hair purple. Maya has planned for us to go on a picnic after. I got to make the food for this; at least I got some control today...


My hair is now purple and I'm in a pink ball gown at the park. Maya has brought flowers to place in my hair and take photos of. I think this is a fantasy she'd been having of me recently. I have to focus on the now rather than the later. At least the sun is shining.


I finally get a break today. Maya's video focus is painting the jeans so I get to spend the day how I want. I'm planning on just staying in bed and working on new music mixes. I rather be completely home alone but I don't really have a chance as Maya's just up the corridor working away. I want to be home alone, playing piano and singing my heart out without being stopped or interrupted.


It's Election Day! We have all gone out and voted today, so now the rest of my day will be spent with Maya, of course. She is using me as a basis for her final art project for college, so we are heading to the forest to take concept photos.

Weirdly enough, we ran into Gomez at the election booth. She told me she was going to ask me to do a special at the upcoming Marino show as I missed out on doing one in 2019. I mean, if she lets me do what I want, I'll perform at Marino for the first time in 3 years.


I really wonder why the letters and parcels have gone quiet recently? Has the person stopped sending them? My dad has told me he hasn't received anything at the office. I hope all of this is over.

For now, I am spending today with Casey. I'm currently lying in his bed as he carries out uni work. There isn't much to do today. Outside it is raining, cold (it's May...), and grey. I don't wanna get out of bed, but I know I will have to at some point. Can't we just cuddle all day instead?


I have a show tonight in Empire. I am debuting a new black stoned full body jumpsuit and a test set list for Marino. I have Gaga, Grag Queen, my own ru-mix of A Little Bit of Love, Stefania from Greece 2021, TINI and I might add in some Citi Zēni. Gomez is likely to appear to "judge" if I would be fit to fill in this slot she has in mind. Does she want a static stage and me singing for 20 minutes? She is very vague with her demands. I want to have a big black box that opens when my first number begins and that I can get on top of to jump a la Aja in All Stars 3. I have to shock the audience somehow, right?

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