Chapter 4 - March Madness

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The last few days have been rather puzzling to me. Two days ago, I woke up to find blood in my underwear. As my concern increased, I investigated what I could and concluded that I had obtained an injury. What injury? I'm not sure. All I know is that it involved my genitals. Needless to say, I felt quite embarrassed and scared to tell anyone about it. In a blind panic, I ordered a pregnancy test because I thought that if it was positive, then I would know I had something to worry about.

When it arrived, I very quickly ran to my room to open it. I ripped open the box and threw it onto my bed before I rushed into the bathroom. What I didn't account for was my dad following behind me as he was concerned. I mean, he has the right to be. It was only the two of us at home at that time, so my constant loitering around the front door was quite obvious. I wasn't aware that he followed me upstairs, but I was very aware when I saw him.

"Evin," he began his query. "What exactly are you doing with a pregnancy test?"

I struggled for words. Unsure, I looked at the now-used test and blurted, "I'm pregnant".

"What?!" my dad yelled, astonished at the possibility of a grandchild. "Wait, Evin, you don't even have a womb. What's going on here?"

"I'm bleeding," I explained. "I don't know why or how, but it's slowly becoming worse. At first it was spotting, but it's starting to look like a full-blown period. I don't understand where it's coming from".

After a short silence, my dad calmly asked, "Would you like to go to the clinic?"

"Yes," I quietly agreed.

At this point, my dad knew I was distressed. "It'll be alright. Whatever it may be hija, we will make sure you feel better".

We arrived at the clinic and I was seen within ten minutes. Of course they asked me the questions about sex, who I had been having sex with, if I used protection and that sort of stuff. After a few tests and check-ups, it soon became apparent that the source of the bleeding was... injury. Injury. I fucking injured myself by dancing and performing without adequate stretching beforehand. I have bandages now to try and stop it. I hope they work because if they don't, I don't know what to expect.


I'm taking this weekend much easier than usual. As I continue to rest at home, the people of Ukraine are fighting to protect their country. Many are being forced to flee, many are fighting from their own homes. I can't believe that this has happened, but at the same time I can. Putin's story to justify invasion is utter lies and the Russian people are not happy. If there's one thing to remember, it's to not share photos of Russians protesting unless their faces are covered to protect them. We don't know how this will end, but we know that Ukraine will not surrender and that the world will stand with them in these times.


As I was bored sitting at home, I decided to go to my mom's house for a while to rest and also spend time with her. I hadn't told her I was at the clinic until today, and as soon as she found out what had happened, she was distraught. Her motherly instincts kicked in, so naturally she began to worry about her child's safety. I assured her that it wasn't a sexual accident or a sexually transmitted disease, rather it was due to the bodysuit I wore having links that came loose and cut me.

I put out a tweet to declare my trip to the clinic was due to 'intersex health concerns' rather than... sex because someone very kindly (sarcastic) posted a photo of me going into the clinic. I have been to the clinic during biological emergencies because I don't know otherwise where I'd go, so this hasn't been the first time I had a photo of me leak in such a way, I wasn't embarrassed or anything, in fact I saw it as a positive. No one should fear going to a sexual health clinic, there should be no stigma. Hell, I even offered to help anyone afraid of going to one in my local area. I guess my persistence to the whole thing is, in a way, instilled into me because of how Freddie contracted HIV and eventually had it develop into AIDS that unfortunately took him too quickly from us. Being in the LGBTQIA+ community too has made me more wary about things and persistent in keeping everyone safe.

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