Chapter 38

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Woong:Did you found anything about Shin hye

Man:Yes sir we got to know Shin hye got married with Kim Rae won

Woong:Shin hye....... Hmmm ok you can go now

Then that man bow and left

Woong:Oh my dear y/n wait for me i am coming to meet you soon dear


We backed our things and reached Airport


After reaching Korea I directly went to home because of tiredness


Y/n:Mom I'm back

While shouting I enter the mansion

Shin hye:Y/n when did you come

Y/n:Now only mom

Shin hye:Okay go and take rest


I went to my room and closed the door. ......... Went near to my cupboard because I have a secret locker

Similar to this and kept the RBL DURG file information in this And locked

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Similar to this and kept the RBL DURG file information in this And locked....... After that I went to take a shower 🚿 and started my work so i was searching for my Mafia laptop but It was missing i thought some one took my laptop.......

Then I realized that I have fixed a small camera in my room......... When I checked that camera My sis Aurora only took my laptop so it was little bit relieve........... Now I have to wait for her so I went downstairs


Shin hye:Why are you yelling

Y/n:Mom I'm hungry

Shin hye:Okay wait I will cook


I went and sat on the counter chair....... And started to see about that case in my phone.... suddenly main door opened with a bang sound.......few mens entered  the mansion with guns they don't see like our guards.....I went to kitchen to mom

Shin hye:What is that sound

Y/n:Mom few mens came to our house

Shin hye:Who are they

Y/n:They don't seem like our guards

Shin hye:Wait here I will go and check

Suddenly mom phone started to ring

Y/n:Who is that mom

Shin hye:Your dad

On the call
Shin hye:Hello

Rae won:Hello honey

Shin hye:honey some mens came to our mansionwith guns

Rae won:Don't be scared they are our mens only

Shin hye:But I don't see them before

Rae won:They were working in our mafia now I have appointed as guards

Shin hye:Oohk I thought some of your enemies have entered the mansion

Rae won:Our you scared so much

Shin hye:Not much because I have y/n with me know

Rae won:What y/n came back from New York

Shin hye:Yeah before a hour

Rae won:Okay I will come

Shin hye:Okay

Call end

Y/n:What did dad told mom

Shin hye:They are your DAD mens only dear


Shin hye:Come I have completed  the cooking let's eat

Y/n:Yeah I'm hungry

We ate our food and after completing  I went to living room to do my work


We were in our mission fighting with enemies ........After completing  the mission we went to our office because dad called us

We are so much tired but for dad sake we need to go and meet him....when we enter he was looking outside through window


When Jin called dad he turned and saw as

Rae won:Ooh you all have came

Namjoon:Yes dad

Jin:Why did you called us dad

Rae won:I got a news that some of our enemies have targeted y/n and Aurora

Jimin:WHAT ........what are you telling

Rae won:Yes Jimin

Suga:What are we going to do dad

Rae won:For now I have appointed few more guards

J Hope:But we can keep an eye Aurora not on y/n

Namjoon:Yeah J Hope is right we can't keep an eye on y/n

Rae won:I don't no but you have to take care both of them

Jin:Okay dad we will

Rae all seem like tired go home and take rest

Jin:Yes dad

While going to home in the car it was full of silence .......when we reached home we saw y/n was in living and doing some work in her phone

Taehyung:Princess when did you come

I was doing my work suddenly

????:Princess when did you come

When I looked at that direction it was Taehyung oppa and behind him others are standing


Went running to him and hug

Jimin:It's seems like you don't miss us

Y/n:No I missed everyone

I group hug but Jungkook hissed

Y/n:What happened oppa

When I looked at him every one have a wound

Y/n:Have you all gone for mission


Y/n:Oppa don't shout ........see all of you have wound

Jin:Princess do you know we are Ma-Mafia

Y/n:Yeah I came to know

J Hope:How

Y/n:One day when I enter in Taehyung oppa room for calling him for eating dinner that time I saw some file in that I find some mafia stuff


Y/n:Now come I will treat your wounds

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 38
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