Chapter 59

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Namjoon:Have a good sleep princess

I kissed her forehead and in few minutes I heard a little snores to see my princess already slept

Namjoon:Don't worry princess we will be with you at any cost and also save you from any danger.....Good night my princess


Next day
Y/n pov
I wake up a bit early and saw Namjoon oppa still sleeping so I went to take a bath and did my morning routine..... After completing it I went to GYM which is inside the mansion to relax my mind...

After 2 hours
I have been doing workout for 2 hours and now I'm punching the bag without gloves but still my mind is full of mess and I don't no what some means

First thing why Chanyeol told me to think about my past and those tablets which I'm using

Second how do the mafia king know my name as well as I have already heard of that name before

Third is about my nightmare the person I get is also seems to be known to me

Fourth things is my family trying hide anything from me

Fifth RBL Drug case

Do all these are like a broken pieces and I want to solve it to get the solution but I don't no how to do it and I don't no from where to start....... I was literally feel like stressed up

Y/n:How am I going to do this all....Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

I just shouted because of confusions but suddenly someone back hug me to calm me down

J hope POV
I waked up and did not get any more sleep so I just got up and did my morning routine.....After completing it I went to the GYM to do some workout but when I reach there I heard y/n shouting and punching the bag so badly which make her knuckles to bleed much.....

I went near her and hug her from back to make her calm After some minutes she came to her normal state and she still did not notice the wounds In her hand

y/n:What happened oppa

Hobi:That I should ask to you princess.....wait here I'll be back

He went out of the GYM....I still think about those thing and went to my room but after reaching I saw my knuckles bleeding much so I went to take a bath and just washed my hands did not treat the wound

This is what I wear

After refresh and gone downstairs saw my mom and dad having their coffee

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After refresh and gone downstairs saw my mom and dad having their coffee....I just went near them
Y/n: Good morning mom and Dad

Shin hye and Rae won :Good morning sweetheart

Y/n: Sorry dad yesterday I try to speak with you but I was thinking about something and forget it

Rae won:it's okay sweetheart and what you want to me

Y/n:I'm okay in moving to Seoul dad so when can we leave

Rae won:ohh are you comfort in moving to Seoul sweetheart

Y/n:Yes dad I'm okay with it

Rae won:SO we can move today after lunch sweetheart

Y/n:okay d.....

?????:y/n I told you stay right

Before I complete I heard someone voice and it was hobi oppa with a medical kit then he came near me

Shin hye:What happened hobi and why do you have medical kit

Y/n:It's ntg mom and oppa I don't want medicine for it

Rae won:Medicine for what sweetheart

Hobi:Y/n roll up your sleeve

I nod him as no and I was about to go to my room but hobi oppa stop me by holding my wrist

Hobi:I told you to roll up your sleeve

He said in anger tone and my other brothers and sister all came downstairs

Jin:What happened Hobi why are you angry on y/n

I still did not do anything just stand there suddenly  hobi oppa pulled my sleeve up and everyone where shock to see my knuckles bleeding much but I did not feeling anything

Yeonjun: What the heck is this y/n

He came to me and hold my knuckles to see how much I have hurt myself.........Jin oppa took the medical kit and started to apply medicine on me

Kai:Why did you do this y/n

I don't what to tell them

Y/n:I was thinking something and I was not in my sense

Rae won: Sweetheart see how much you hurt your knuckles

Y/n:It's ntg dad and I will go to my friends mansion to tell them about my leave to Seoul

Rae won:Hmm okay sweetheart but careful

Y/n:Okay dad I will

After Jin oppa treated my wound on both knu¹ckles and he wrap with a bandage too.... I left to Eunwoo mansion

I went to his mansion told them leave today night to Seoul and tell them to shift everything to Seoul......I came back to my mansion and started to back my all stuff

I called everyone (SKZ, Got7, BP) to leave to Seoul


From yesterday we can see y/n behaving little odd like thinking something and getting stressed up and we thought it may be about her past life in Seoul because dad told that he want to shift there.....

But what she did today morning again made as feel like previously what happened to her

After shifting to Seoul what is going to happen to y/n and how will she manage everything .......

Something big going to happen in the upcoming Chapter so be ready

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 59

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