Chapter 47

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Now I thought of doing my homework but my head hurts more and more..... I hold my head with my hands and my head started to spin then everything went black

BTS and Txt POV
After getting  refresh we all came downstairs to eat dinner.....we all sat in dinning  table and noticed y/n was not yet come

Jin:Bona(maid) where is y/n

Bona:Young Master still miss y/ndid not come down

Jk:Then I will go and call her

Bona:No sir you may sit I will go and call miss y/n

J-Hope:okay Bona go and call her

Bona went upstairs to call y/n.......after sometime she came running with worried and  sad face

Bona POV

I went upstairs  to call miss y/n.......After reaching her room I knock at door but there was no response so I opened the door to see a dark room......light from the corridor fall inside... with that help I went inside  and turned on the lights but the thing which I saw next made freeze for a second......

I saw y/n lying on the floor unconsciously..... I went to her and try to wake up but she was not waking up.....I checked her pulse and breathing she was breathing low and pulse was reducing......... so I ran downstairs  to young master

J-Hope:What happened to you Bona why are you running

Bona:S-Sir y-y/n (I was breathing  heavily so I could not speak properly)

Kai:What Bona did y/n do anything

Bona:No sir y/n was lying on the floor unconsciously and her breathing was low and pulse was reducing



After hearing to Bona we all ran upstairs to y/n room when we went inside we saw her lifeless body lying on the floor ......she look pale

J-Hope:Y/n wake up see oppa......Y/N.......

Jin:Suga go and start the car we are taking y/n to hospital NOW

Suga went downstairs and J-Hope carried y/n to the car......In one car Suga,Jin,J-Hope,Kai,Aurora,Jk and y/n and In another car others were coming

Jk:Hyung  what happened to y/n

Aurora:I think the poison  which was injected to her is started to spread all over her body

Kai:Hyung drive the car little fast

They are at their destiny with a half dead y/ n. They rushed in the hospital & y/n was shifted in ICU. 10 min later the others arrived.

20 mins later the doctor came out & everyone rushed there.

Aurora:h-how is she?

doctor- ok so I don't want u all to live in false hope.

Jin:what do u mean?

doctor- there is a lot to discuss about but time isn't enough. In short she just have 35% of chances to live. For while all I need is some one to donate blood of type O, anyone of you?

v: but don't u have some blood in the hospital itself?

doctor: we do but that's not enough. so anyone?

for a while there was silence & then the younger boy spoke up.

jk:I do

doctor: ok then lets go.

the doctor took Jungkook with him. where as the other were still processing doctors words.

All remained the same, Aurora crying & Suga comforting her as well himself crying for someone he love ever since his  Sister died, this was 1st time he was afraid. A fear of losing his Sister.

Whereas everyone except TXT was silent, all numb. The memory of their sister & step-sister were mixing giving him a strong emotions of sadness, once they had lost their lil monster & now their another was on the verge of dying.

Jungkook was on the hospital all alone, crying..........A needle was pinned on his wrist which contains an glucose bottle attached to it as he donated his blood to his sister.........he never thought he would cry but his emotions won, he was crying.

3 hours later the doctor called everyone in his office to discuss the case. Even the younger was there tho the doctor said he needed rest but he thought the matter was imp than his health.

doctor: the patient is stable now. But she wont wake till tomorrow morning.

Yeonjun: but why did she fainted?

doctor:well so coming to the topic when we did a test when she arrived we found poison in her blood, I also got to know that there was something to stop that poison from spreading in her whole body from her left arm & I couldn't believe but the poison was spread through her whole body & still she managed to survive..........I still don't know how she managed to survive? be happy that the poison didn't reached till her brain, it reached till her eyes when u all arrived, & now some changes will occur in her eyes and hair

rm: any example?

doctor: like her eye colour changed to blue & as her eyes will be like brand new, she will see things so clearly now and her hair colour changed to grey color . & also I had to remove 50% of her blood as it was poisoned & replaced it with the hospital one as Jungkook blood. that's all, she is safe now.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 47

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