May Parker -Peter interrupted-

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G!p reade and May Parker

Y/N pov

Me and May Parker have been dating for a while and Peter had found out he was not happy until and then he just got use to it him and mj had got together and my god me and May were excited he started to see u as family.

One day May was begging me to Fuck her my dick also didn't want to be my friend today and started to get really hard so hard it started to hurt

I grabbed May and she streaked I took her to the bedroom and my god she was excited I said " u want this baby girl?" "Yes Yes god yes fuck me daddy"May said with such confidence I said "okay" and I started takings her clothes off of her and the she unbuttoned my shirt and pulled my pants and boxers done and she was soaked in her own juice "oh my baby girl" I said to which she wines at .

I start pounding into her and she does start to moan but then I gag her and I don't intend on stopping anytime soon

The next thing I know Peter walks in and see us both naked and runs out I burst out laughing while May hits me and we both get dressed and go to Peter and apologized to him he gave me a death glare and goes "hi anut May was Y/N at least treating u good?"
"Peter and yes she is why?" "No reason" and gives me another glare

Not very long because I have school and I have homework to finish
Hope u enjoyed 😅

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