Natasha Romanoff -Bucky's sister-

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Natasha pov-

We had all met Bucky sister y/n she is so sweet and kind we met her yesterday but I feel something for her. I'm seeing Bruce but yesterday I had got so excited when she came I got horny I couldn't help it

*Flash back to yesterday*

Bucky walks in with y/n, Wanda stands up, wanda- hey
Y/n- hi
Everyone introduces  themselves to y/n Nat stays where she is y/n comes up to her
Y/n- hi
Nat- hello
Bruce- uh Nat what's going on?
Nat- n-nothing
Bruce drags Nat away from y/n, y/n talks with the others for the night, she stays in the guest room next to Wanda's.
I hated the idea she was next to Wanda and not next to me. Y/n was only here for a mission with her brother tho.

*Present time with Nat*

Bruce has been shouting at me all morning and how I was a slut. I hadn't had sex with anyone for ages and someone told Bruce I had slept with someone after the party which I didn't I was with him but he was drunk

*Y/n pov downstairs with the others*

Y/n- are they always like this?
Maria- pretty much
Wanda- always
Steve- I hate banner (Bruce)
Y/n- can I go up and check on Nat?
Pepper- we all tied love she won't open up to anyone
Y/n- I'm different I went tho the same thing as her
Wanda- what do u mean?
Y/n- I was in hydra and the red room
Nat and Yelena- DON'T SAY RED ROOM
Nat- *slides down on the wall shaking* make it stop
Bruce- nice one!
Y/n i-i'm sorry
Yelena- it's fine Nat focus on me
*Nat looks at Yelena and calms down
Y/n ran away*

Nat- Bruce I wanna break up it's not working bye
Bruce- no stay
Nat- no Ur to Volente
*Nat runs out and goes to find u she looks everywhere and finds u on the roof legs dangling off the roof*
Nat- y/n...
Y/n- hi sorry about earlier
Nat- it's fine dw, I like u y/n
Y/n- ... I like u to
*Nat kisses y/n passionately*

Part two will be out soon x
Leave request and I will do them

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