What she means to me...

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Yeah this is my last one😏.

Jessica was always by my side and I try my hardest to be by hers. She brings the best out of me and she helps me with everything that she can.
Everyone thinks that they have a best friend, but having a friendship is like having love. You always think you have it, but you know you got it right when you have the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see each other.

We are not sisters, we're not twins, not by any chance. We don't try to tell people that we are because we know who we are. Were the two most best friends that anyone could ask for. Someone who they can lay in bed next to and not wish they weren't there. Someone who you can cuddle with, and not having it matter that there gay and straight, or black and white. Someone who you not ashamed to be standing by in public.

I'll always be here for you Jess, I love you and you know that. I promise to never let you go, not even when I move. And I promise to blow up your social media accounts when I think something is wrong.
No we haven't been friends for that long, but you have me the best small infinity that anyone could ever give to me(yes that's a TFIOS moment).

I love you Jess We Qua Lynn.❤️

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