Chapter 44

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Cage stood in the doorway for a second. He pressed his lips together tightly and glared past Nick and right to me. Every cold look was always directed at me, it was infuriating. Furious and breathing heavily, Cage didn't move at all for a few moments.

And then he punched Nick in the face.

I winced as Nick, taken by surprise, stumbled back by the force of the blow. As he clamped a hand over his mouth, I saw blood start to drip out. Damn. Cage had really good aim.

Perhaps my plan had worked out in the way I wanted. It certainly got Cage's attention. It wasn't the best idea, I suppose. There were a million other ways I could have approached this situation. However, that glazed look of anger and jealousy in Cage's dark green eyes, his fingernails biting into the sensitive palm of one lacerated surface of skin, those dangerous tempers of his, made those few seconds of lip-locking with Nick worth it.

Nick glanced at Cage and then back at me, to where I sat and to where he stood. His face gave away anger as he held his broken jaw. I knew Nick was going to hate me for the rest of my life. He was starting to figure out what I did. Stratagem of the century, huh? I suppose none of that mattered now.

Nick coughed, spitting out blood onto the marble floor, and then opened his mouth to say something and was met with the barrel of a gun.

I sat back and watched with a fixed blank expression as the scene unfolded. Dear God, where had my decency gone? How could I just sit back and watch as Cage killed off another one of his best friends? The answer was rather simple.

I just didn't care anymore.

Cage kept his gun pointed at Nick, but his eyes were on me. I met his glare with a dangerous one of my own. As long as there were at least a few feet of distance between us, I wasn't scared of Cage. It was just when he crossed that line of flirting to something darker that terrified me. I didn't want that. I wanted a nice teenage boy with not even a speeding ticket on his record...not a notorious criminal king with murder on his.

Teeth locked, eyes hard, and rationality gone, Cage turned his attention to Nick. "You are dead to me."

"I wasn't-"

Cage wouldn't let him speak. "And you're about to be in the literal sense too if you don't take these precious few seconds to get the hell out of my sight or so help me God, I will put a bullet in your fucking head. I killed Micheal, and that was only because he was a threat. You-" The gun made a clicking nose as Cage turned the safety off. Nick visibly paled. "-are one traitorous motherf-"

I decided to butt in before Cage really did kill him. "It's not his fault, you know." I sat back against the couch, resting the tips of my toes against the coffee table. My eyes flickered back to Cage's seething ones, and I cast Nick a grin. "I wanted it. I-" I leaned forward. "-wanted him to fuck me harder than you fucked your darling Vivian. Tell me Cage, was she any good?"

There was absolute murder in his eyes. "Better than anything you could give me, princess."

His words hurt me more than I'd ever tell anyone. I tried to hide how much it destroyed me to hear him say that. And if my words had an effect on Cage, I'd be damned if he ever showed it. The anger that grew in my chest was making blind courage appear to speak the first things that came to my mind. "Then maybe you should go marry the bitch. You know, if she's so special."

"I don't do love, November." Cage smiled, knowing exactly how that was going to make me feel. "I don't do marriage. I fuck and then I leave. Vivian knows that better than anyone. Maybe...she's still there, in those pretty white sheets-"

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