Chapter 8

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"Minnie, you promise he's not mad at me?" 

Jimin looked at Tae before looking at the small girl in his arms, "I promise, Kitten."

"Then why did he run away? Maybe I shouldn't play with him like I play with you guys. Maybe that's not okay with Angels, so he ran off. I should apologize."

Tae sighed as he sat down on their other side, "Kitten, you didn't do anything wrong." He shook his head no and pushed a finger over her lips to shut her up before she could start. "I promise, okay? Your Kookie is just discovering what it's like to be human, I guess? And it's hard for him, for all three of those stuck-up Angels. Just give them time, and they'll come around."

They read her a story until she fell asleep, and then they headed to their room. There were enough rooms for all of them not to share, but since Tae and Jimin always ended up sleeping with each other, it seemed pointless to have their own. Tae started the shower and helped Jimin get undressed before he pushed him under the water. "Did you see his face? Damn, he went full panic mode there for a second."

Tae laughed as he started rubbing the shampoo into Jimin's hair. "Yeah, but I'm worried. Kitten knows nothing about sex and that Angel is an idiot. We should probably back off and let her grow up a bit."

Jimin wrapped his arms around Tae as he kissed and nipped down his jaw, "We could, or we could do what we do best and corrupt the shit out of her and those stiff Angels and have some fun. I mean, what's more fun than fucking?"

The snort that left Tae's lips was so loud, "Stop thinking with your dick Jimin. Do you want Kitten to hook up with JK?"

"Well, no, but I know he cares about her."

That is true. Anyone with eyes can see how he's constantly watching her with a fond look on his face. It seems only the two involved didn't know. "Well, then, we have two choices."

Jimin started to wiggle in his hold, the excitement taking over his more petite body. "I'm gonna like this."

"He needs a push, so let's give it to him. Keep getting her to tease him since she's slightly clueless, and then make her go out on a date with some human we find."

Jimin's frown was adorable, and his plump lips were the cutest. "I don't trust humans with her."

Tae nipped at Jimin's lower lip, making him smile. "Don't worry, it won't be an actual human. We'll get Soobin to pretend to be one."

"Tae, they are Angels. They will know immediately that he's not human."

"They have to see him to know sweetness, and I don't plan on them meeting him. We'll arrange some accidental meetings; they'll exchange numbers and start from there. If he likes her, the Angel won't like that another man has her attention."

Jimin thought about it. Soobin is a younger demon, and he's fairly nice. He's quite calm for a demon, actually, compared to his roommates, who are slightly chaotic. "Do you think he'll do it? I thought he was into guys."

Tae's eyes rolled as he bit Jimin's neck softly, "I'm not asking him to fuck her. I'm asking him to text her and maybe take her to a movie. She's a halfling, so he'll be fine with it."

"If you think it'll work, then I trust you." He stood up on his toes so he could see eye to eye with Tae; he bit his lip a bit, "ssooo, it's been a while, and I'm horny."

"I fucked you this morning Jimin. Did you forget my love so quickly?"

Jimin's hand ran down Tae's chest until his fingers wrapped around Tae's hard cock, "I know, but it's been a while since I've fucked you." His hand started moving faster as Tae's head dropped against the cold tile. Tae felt Jimin's lips kissing their way across his collarbones and then down to his nipples, "so what do you say, Tae, do I get that fat ass tonight?"

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