Melody & Logan Finally Meet Their Baby

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Melody was about to tell Logan yes, she will take him back but somehow, fate had intervened. Logan’s main priority now was getting her safely to hospital. He asked. “I know you don’t want to hear this but is there anything that needs to be done before I bring you to the hospital, if that’s alright with you?”

Melody answered, “I want to call my mom and let her know I’m in labour as I’ll probably have given birth by the time she gets here. Also, could you get my suitcase? I packed it in advance! It’s in my room if you’re looking for it!”

Melody went into labour at the worst possible time. She was seconds away from letting Logan know she returned his love and now that been put on hold. Would Logan ever get to hear her tell him how she feels or would she only tell him when she’s too late? Would he tell her he’d rather focus on being a father and opt to leave love on the back burner?

When Logan was driving Melody to the hospital, she asked him, “Logan, will you stay by my side when we’re in hospital?” He responded, “I thought you’d never ask. I wouldn’t miss my baby’s birth for the world”

Melody was in the worst pain she had ever experienced. Throughout the labour, she would scream at Logan and she blamed him for her being in so much pain. She screamed, “This is all your fault, Logan Henderson! We had sex once and yet I’m the one who has to go through all this pain! Why can’t you share some of my pain?”

Melody had spent a total of eighteen hours in labour. She was so glad to have fully dilated but at the same time, she was not looking forward to giving birth. When the time came to deliver the baby, Logan told Melody to look at him so that way, she’d feel more at ease

Melody looked at Logan and grabbed hold of his hand and took deep breaths. With every push, Melody screamed in a agony while squeezing Logan’s hand. Then came the final push. “Once more, Muss Prince. When this is over, you’ll be a mom”

With those words on her mind, Melody gave that final agonising push. Melody and Logan heard their baby cry for the first time. The nurse announced, “Congratulations, Miss Prince and Mr Henderson. You have a beautiful baby boy”

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