Getting Caught

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There was no time to think. Eric, Natalia, Gomek, and Kyle were running like their lives depended on it, because it did. As they were approaching the lobby, the voice of Police Chief Misty Luggins was being amplified by a megaphone from outside.

 As they were approaching the lobby, the voice of Police Chief  Misty Luggins was being amplified by a megaphone from outside

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Chief Luggins: Whoever is in there, we have the building surrounded! You better give up now!

Eric: Like I would ever do that. Keep running, guys!

They had finally made it to the lobby. As soon as they did, a SWAT team had burst through the enormous windows at the front entrance. They were followed by many regular police officers.

Eric: GO! GO!

They turned around and went down a different hallway as the officers chased after them. After a few minutes, they turned a corner and were stopped by another team of cops approaching them. Then from the ceiling panels above them, two spider-like drones had dropped down. They stood in between Eric's team and the two groups of approaching cops. Percy's voice shouted out from one of the robots.

Spider-Drone (Percy): Find another way out! I'll give you cover!

The two drones started to spew out a thick cloud of smoke. It shielded Eric, Kyle, Gomek, and Natalia from view. Seizing the opportunity, they went into one of the nearby rooms. Gomek stayed at the door and forced her body weight on it to barricade themselves in. Kyle ran up to a wall on the other side of the room and started to plant bombs on to it. Eric and Natalia started to rearrange objects in the room to act as protection from the blast. Pounding could be heard from the other side of the door. It would shake with every attempt to bust it open, but Gomek was successfully keeping it shut.

Natalia: Kyle, hurry up! They are bound to break it any second!

Kyle: I know that! You don't have to remind me!

He finished setting up and lit the fuse. Eric and Natalia ducked behind their blast shield, as both Gomek and Kyle ran over to join them. They all covered their ears. The fuse eventually reached its target.


The wall opened up to reveal the outside world. They got up from their hiding places and ran through the hole. They continued their way down the alleyway towards the back of the building. They reached the end of it as the black dodge challenger they arrived in meets them by coming in reverse. It hit a garbage can in the process. Kyle and Natalia climbed into the back, Gomek slid over the hood of the car to enter on the passenger side, and Eric opened the driver side door to reveal Percy literally shaking.

Percy: I think I totaled somebody's bike to get to you guys.

Eric: Don't worry about it, a messed-up bike was a worthy sacrifice for this. Now go on and get in the back. We got to get outta here.

Percy climbed into the back and joined the others. Eric got into the front seat, put on his seatbelt, and shifted the car into drive. Slamming on the accelerator, the car sped off to make their escape. It had only been a few seconds until several police cars were following closely behind. Eric looked ahead and saw more officers had set up a spike-strip barricade. He looks to the right and notices a staircase leading downhill.

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