Simpler Times

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(Author's Note: Hello Everyone. I just wanted to apologize for taking so long to update this story. I'm still in college and I got my first job, which made things really busy for me. This really limited the time I had to write. To make up for it, this chapter is pretty long. It delves into Eric's childhood and his relationship to both of his parents. I hope you all enjoy it and tell me what you think of the story so far in the comments. Thank you.)

-Fifteen Years Ago-

Business is running normally at a hospital in downtown Los Angeles. People are being checked-in at the lobby, nurses are doing their daily routine with their patients, and doctors are working hard to make sure that anyone who comes in leaves happy and healthy. It's all the same no matter where you are in this place. Especially in the maternity ward. In said wing of the hospital, four anthropomorphic animals are walking, or in one case slithering, down a hallway. These characters should be very familiar, because they are in fact the other members of the formerly known "Bad Guys". Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark, Ms. Tarantula, and Mr. Piranha. As they pass each door, they take a quick glance at the plaques that have the room numbers printed on them.

Mr. Snake: That nurse told us they were in Room 514, Right?

Ms. Tarantula: Yeah, that's what he said.

Mr. Snake: Then where the heck is it?

Mr. Shark: I'm telling ya, you can never get good help these days.

Mr. Piranha: Calm down, amigos. It's not like the little guy is growing up as we speak.

Ms. Tarantula: I mean he technically is. With each passing second.

Mr. Piranha: You know what I mean. He isn't going to be a full-grown adult when we finally find the room.

Mr. Shark: I just can't believe we missed the actual birth, because all that traffic on the freeway.

Mr. Snake: Yeah, I just hope Wolf can forgive us. I owe it to him for helping us turn our lives around. I should have been here to witness the birth of his first child.

Ms. Tarantula: I'm sure he will, Snake. We made it here, so that should count for something.

Mr. Piranha: Hey, guys. I think I found it.

Indeed, he did. The plaque next to a wooden door read, "Room 514". The group all gather in front of the door with Mr. Snake in front. He brought up his tail and coiled it up to stub. He hesitated to knock on the door. He took a deep breath and proceeded to softly knock on the door. After a few seconds, the door slowly opened to reveal their old friend, Mr. Wolf, standing there. He smiled and spoke softly.

Mr. Wolf: Hey guys. It so good to see you finally made it.

Mr. Snake: Same goes for all of us. I'm sorry we didn't make it here sooner. There was bad traffic on the freeway that really slowed us down.

Mr. Wolf: You don't have to apologize. Consider us even from the time I showed up late when we had that contest of who could steal the most sport cars in a single afternoon.

Mr. Shark: Oh yeah. That's right. I guess we are even.

Mr. Piranha: Though it still surprised us that you tried to cheat by showing up at 11:00 at night and claimed that it was afternoon.

Mr. Wolf: Come on, it was after "noon". It should have still counted, but that's beside the point. You guys can come on in. Just try not to talk too loudly.

They all filed in one by one with Wolf being the last one to join them. They immediately noticed Diane laying in a hospital bed. She looked a little disheveled from the earlier event that day, but she still looked very happy to see them. She was cradling her newborn pup in her arms, who was wrapped in a baby blanket and fast asleep. Wolf sat in a chair next to his wife's bed as the others gathered around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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