How many?

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How many times are you going to reach out, half asleep, hoping to find his figure sleeping softly next to you only to be startled awake as your fingertips brush against the razor sharp pieces of your broken heart that he left piled together next to you, filling the space where he used to be?

How many bottles of whiskey are you going to drink hoping to find the sweet taste of his lips after showering your body in love bites melted to the bottom of the bottle before you realize that all there will ever be is the cold bitter liquid that you have come to rely on to keep the memories of him away?

How many nights are you going to spend trying to fill the silence by screaming for him before you learn that every syllable of every echo of his name on your lips will only ever leave you shaking and sobbing, broken on the floor with nobody to hold you or help you through what feels like a never ending darkness that is impossible to get out of?

How many times are you going to inhale the ice cold winter air as you sit outside his house, refusing to go knock on the door, just to have each breath you take turn the salt laced liquid that has gathered on your cheeks and in your lungs from when he left you to drown in your own tears turn into the icy crystals that have slowly found their way into what is left of your precious heart, freezing it and leaving you emotionless and cold?

How many times are you going to let his memory break you?

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