Chapter 34.

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*Raquel's POV*

The concert stadium was packed. The Dedicated Kingsman was a band that had many fans, such as myself. I tightly hold onto Peter's (A) hand, as we go through the crowd to get seated. We find our seats close to the front row, as I see the amusement in his face, mesmerized by the atmosphere, the stadium, and the grand stage.

"You okay?" I chuckle.

"Just...never been to a concert before." He continues to looks around. He was adorable, so curious, and innocent all at once.

"Well I'm glad your first time's with me." I kiss his cheek.

He smiles, and meets my eyes. "Me too."

Next thing we know, the stadium grows dark, and colorful lights enter the stage. Music gets louder and everyone's on their feet.

"I guess we don't sit the whole time." Peter (A) presumes, talking over the speakers.

I shake my head and laugh again, "You can if you want! It's totally up to you!"

"I'll just copy you." He gleams.

Once the band enters the stage, everyone screams.

"AHHHHHHH!!!! WOOOOO!" I clap and jump up and down a little.

He does the same. "AHHHHHH!!!!! WOOOOOOO! YEAH!!!" He claps harder with excitement.

I laugh so hard, my stomach started aching.

He was too precious.

"What?" He looks at me innocently.

"I love you." I say with full admiration.

"What did you say?" He really can't hear me now as the crowd roars louder and the speakers boom.

"I said I love you!" I exclaim.

"Huh?" he leans in with his right ear.


The loud music cuts off, as the band's lead singer gets ready to speak onto the microphone for a welcome speech. Me and my timing- I obviously repeated what I said, screaming at the top of my lungs as soon as the band stops playing.

"I LOVE YOU!!!!!!" I scream, realizing that I was louder than the band, and the entire stadium.

Peter winces in pain from his ear and wiggles it.

"Looks like your lady's tryna tell you she loves you, brotha." The lead singer winks at Peter.

Wow. I'm now realizing how close we are to the stage.

"YEAHHHHHHHH!" The rest of the audience cheers.

"I LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Peter screams back.

I laugh and wiggle my ears from the pain too.

The stadium cheers for us, 'KISS, KISS, KISS!'

He grabs me by my waist, clashing his lips onto mine, for a sweet one.

"WOOOO!!!! Alright, NEW YOUR CITY IS IN LOVE TONIGHT!!!! SO LET'S START WITH THIS LOVE SONG-ABOUT OUR LOVE FOR CHRIST, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, HIS LOVE FOR US! " The lead singer comments and gestures his band to start playing. "LESGO!"

The crowd cheers and we finally let go of our kiss. Breathless, we giggle amongst ourselves and rock on to the music.

What an interesting way to say the 'first I love yous' in this official relationship we are having.

Throughout the night, Peter stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist-resting his head on my head, during a slow song, and danced with me during an energetic song. Oh yes, he spins me, and added a little dip with a kiss. He made me continuously laugh, trying to sing along with jumbled up words because he didn't know any of the lyrics. Every now and then he asked if I was okay, or if I needed any food or drinks for him to get.

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