A Private Moment

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Aaron watched as his Fiancé made dinner, humming quietly to herself and mixing her dough in a bowl, he idly remembered that the song she was humming was in Spanish, and his smile grew, as well as the blush creeping in on his face.

It had only come to his attention after Garroth had been teasing him, whitch wasn't uncommon, but that day he was teasing him after Aphmau had finished helping a young boy at the maid café.

"She's like a stereotypical Spanish mum, you know?" He'd said, trying to rile up an argument like he often did when he was bored.

Except Aaron couldn't really argue with his logic.

She WAS the stereotypical Spanish mum, she was short and round, hummed Spanish music and swayed her hips as she made tamales for them both.

She was great with children, being soft and gentle until she needed to be stern and then was the perfect amount of firm to get her point heard.

And Aaron fell even deeper in love with her the more he noticed it, she was perfect, beautiful and soft, the perfect mom.

And then his blush grew hotter as he buried his his face in his hands.

He knew he'd always wanted kids, a family to call his own, and he knew she did too, she'd often mention that she'd always wanted babies, although it didn't often come up in private conversation.

And why would it? They hadn't even made love yet.

They had done everything but, and he wasn't dissatisfied or dissapointed with what they did do, but the point still stood.

They were waiting until marriage, the thing is, that was only a few months away, she'd already picked out a wedding dress and they'd picked out a location, FCUs Quad.

So it had turned from hypothetical to reality, this was actually happening, Aphmau was marrying him, taking his last name.

Aphmau Lycan.

He repeated it over and over in his head, he loved it, probably more than he should have loved it.

He wanted to make her a mother.

He looked away from her, unable to watch her anymore. He didn't mean that in a sexual way, he wanted kids with the love of his life, even if they shared in his curse. And of course he was going to enjoy the process of getting there, but his goal at the very end of the day was to make her happy.

And he'd seen they way she'd glance at the highchair, her eyes sparkling and a small blush on her face, how she'd look at new and expecting mothers with a hopeful smile.

She wanted a child, and so did he.

He was so caught up thinking about it he didn't even notice the plate placed in front of him and his Fiancé looking at him, worried.

"Hun? You okay?" Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts, but it didn't quite drain the blush from his face as he smiled at her.

"I'm fine! Just lost in thought babe." She returned his smile and sat beside him, she was so beautiful, so understanding, so patient.

He blushed at his own thoughts again. He'd thought about children before, but never did he long for it like he was now.

They ate, then piled on the couch with all their pets, Celestia, Alexander, and Eli all curled up together with them as nonsense came from the T.V

People always say that a couple gets pets because they want to eventually be parents, and that was what was on Aaron's mind now, how he owned a dumb T-shirt that said "Dog Dad" how they both treated their pets like children instead of animals.

A commercial came on, advertising a new baby supply store in town, Aaron watched as a smile grew on Aphmau's face, she absent-mindedly touched her stomach, and that's all it took for him to break like he was made from glass.

"Aph." She tore her eyes away immediately to make contact with his, alarmed at his sudden seriousness.

"Yeah?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly.

"Do you... uh..." He stumbled over his words, he'd blurted this out without thinking about how to phrase it, but he was in too deep to stop now.

"Do you want to start thinking of having kids?"
Both their faces exploded with color, Aphmau gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

"N-nevermind..." He tried to back out of the conversation, but Aphmau grabbed his hands, blushing but smiling up at him.

"Is that what you've been thinking about?" She inquired, and all he could do was nod as his words had gotten stuck in his throat a long time ago.

"I... I have been thinking a lot too. You know I'm not afraid to admit that I want kids with you." This did not restore his speech, but he made a noise of both embarrassment and surprise at her admission.

"I know it's going to be a difficult subject for us. With the eyes... but, I really do want this." She was blushing heavily, but grasping onto his hands, her eyes full of patience as she waited for him to find words.

"I do too, I've always wanted that... I've always wanted that with you." He added shyly, he caressed her cheek with his thumb, causing them both to look away from each other's eyes.

"Is there anything more to talk about then?" Aphmau eventually replied, making Aaron snap up to attention, his hair standing on it's end.

Was she suggesting what he thought she was?

He searched her eyes and found his answer when her lips met his, filled with a burning purpose that he immediately melted into, her confidence spurring his hands to tangle in her hair.

The pulled back, both panting slightly, a smile beginning to force it's way on both their faces.

"I guess not." He replied simply, his hands finding purchase on her hips as they both slowly lay on the couch, her on top of him, tangled in each other like a web.

"A-are we really doing this?" Aphmau was suddenly overtaken with her nerves, this seemed so sudden, so spur of the moment.

"Only if it's what you want Aph, I'm willing to wait as long as you need to." His breath was uneven but his words were true, he kissed her gently on the forehead and waited for her to calm her nerves.

"It's not that I don't want this... It just feels so sudden."  She played with the tassels of his jacket, trying to hype herself up through the nerves.

" Is it because every other milestone in our relationship was this big dramatic moment?" Aaron smirked up at her, his fingers gently rolling over her hips as he held her.

Aphmau thought for a moment, every single time something major happened between them it had been a huge deal, between them and their freinds. Like it was a season finale to a sitcom.

For once, she liked the idea of doing this without the stressful buildup, or second guessing. Like it was their own secret, a moment just theirs and no one else's.

Aaron watched her go through all her emotions, and smiled with half-lidded eyes back at her when she came out of her own head with a new look of desire in her eyes.

"I'll take that as you making up your mind." His voice was husky already and they had hardly begun, when they connected again, his hands slunk up her back and back up into her hair.

That night was the closest they had ever been, and the loudest, as they made love for the very first time, it seemed all was right in the world. By the time morning rolled around they were exhausted, but happier in each other's arms then ever before.

But I won't tell you any more, after all, this was a moment just for them...

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