A Few Extra Sparks (Maybe NSFW)

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Author's Note: I'm a wee bit rusty, but it took me an hour to find good fluff of these two, so, I made some fluffy spice, as I like to call it. Enjoy.

He bolted up the stairs after her, footfalls just behind hers until she slammed the door in his face, he stopped in his tracks to avoid earning a broken nose for his efforts.

"Shu...Aphmau, please." She hadn't locked the door, just shut it, he opened it wide, muffled sobs echoing throught the quiet house.

"Go away." The closet spoke, and he sighed, leaning his head up against the doors.

"Hey, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you." He could barely hear himself his voice was so soft, but Aphmau's sobs grew a bit softer.

"I've been sob- making a fool out of myself." She replied, her crying growing more airy and upset.

"No! No no... they love you. The werewolves adore you as much as I do." This made a choked sob turn into a watery snort of laughter.

"W-when did you mark me...? Was it before or after you found out I was Shu?"

He paused for a moment, sighing as the truth rose to the surface.

"Uh... Before." She almost stopped crying entirely, but it was now replaced with sqeaky rage.

"Why? You treated me like dirt!"

" Of course I did... I liked you, but you also got on my nerves and I was in love with Shu. It... worked out you were the same but... I'm sorry."

He took a breath, he may as well give her the whole truth now.

"Look, I may not be around for as long as I'd like. But Aphmau... I really do like you... I might... love you." He went a deep shade of scarlet, he'd already confessed more than he wanted to, but his heart was spilling out of his mouth before he could shut it.

"And I wanna spend the time I can with you. Before I leave... so please, don't make me keep talking through the door."

There was silence, then the door flung open so fast he barely had time to jump back. Suddenly her whole body was in his arms, crying but smiling and holding him like a lifeline.

"You aren't leaving me... we still have our dungeon raids, and our phones, you jerk." He chuckled and held her as tightly as he could, enjoying every detail of her body pressed against his.

"Of course." He paused again, only for a moment, before his mouth moved before he could stop himself again.

"I want to kiss you."

"Blunt, too blunt' was the sentence he was screaming in his mind when she looked up at him, locking eyes and washing the intruding thoughts away.

"I was... thinking the same actually." It was so quiet he couldn't be certain he even heard it, but the look she gave him was enough, they were already so close, but somehow they brought themselves closer without meeting, it still wasn't close enough, in his opinion.

"Well?" He asked, he could feel her breath on her lips, it took everything in him not to lean the last bit forward, so when she whispered an airy hesitant "Yes" He nearly lunged forward to capture her lips before either of them could change thier minds.

Fire immediately started in his blood, he'd never kissed before, but this was more than books or television could have prepared him for, his hands almost flew up to her cheek and into the small of her back, he felt her melt into him like she was made of chocolate.

She whimpered a little when he pulled back to catch his own breath, everything was spinning yet perfectly clear at the same time, he panted but still somehow couldn't get enough air.

"I... wow." Aphmau whispered, thier labored breathing filled the room, his blood was on fire, he couldn't think straight, he felt tingles and chills through every part of his body.

They connected again without even thinking, Aaron didn't know when he'd pushed her against the wall but It made it even easier to push farther into her and let his hands wander over to places he shouldn't have even thought about.

Aphmau was being filled with feelings, all of them new, terrifying and boiling hot. She didn't know when exactly her fingers had gotten tangled in his hair and he'd lifted her up to rest on one of his knees but she didn't exactly care.

She'd been kissed before, it was nothing like this, she'd felt embarrassed when Garroth had kissed her, And Laurence's was around the same, she'd felt a jolt then, fuzzy, maybe, but this was everything times a thousand and she wasn't sure where exactly she ended and Aaron began.

They pulled apart again, breathing deeply and leaning thier foreheads together.

"Aphmau..." Her name was the chant that echoed in his head, the only thought that really mattered so the only thought he had to say, a small, quiet part of him was trying to reason him out of the far dirtier thoughts running through his head, but it was drowned by the white-hot poker that was his raging teenage hormones.

His hands wandered, up her skirt, rolling over her hips and up her sides, the nagging voice was getting louder, but every part of his body was on fire, his face was flushed a very deep shade of red and he couldn't keep his eyes off her even when he had to pull back again for air.

"A-aron" A ghost of a moan escaped her lips and they were connected again,  faster, sloppy,  his hands grew restless and so did hers, before he knew it he was pulling the shirt off her head and watching his hit the floor.

"W-wait. This is..." His sense of reason finally seemed to douse the flames, if only for a fleeting moment, still it was enough for him to pull away.

"This is going too far..." He breathed out, the coals of thier passion hadn't cooled at all, it was taking everything in him to not continue, but... she was a freshman, still technically a child. She wasn't ready for this, and if he was honest with himself, neither was he.

"I... w-what?" She blinked, Aaron could still see the glazed, needy look in her eyes, they locked with his in an almost pleading manner.

"D-don't look at me like that, you... you don't know what you're asking." Irene had to be guiding him, because he had no idea he even has this amount of self-control, a part of him, the part of him located a bit farther down from is brain was also cussing him out, and it really didn't help.

He looked away from her as he slowly put her down, he didn't really let go, at least until he realized he was staring at her, admittedly gorgeous figure.

"I-Im sorry, I didn't- your just a freshman. I..." Shame was the feeling that slowly creeped up on him, what on earth was he thinking? He may have loved her, but for Irene's sake! This was technically Illegal!

He very abruptly backed away and refused to meet her eyes, he very carefully returned her shirt and quickly put his back on.

"I'm so sorry." He finished, signifying the end of whatever ramble his mouth wanted to spit out, he turned his back on her as she put on her shirt with wide eyes and a deep blush.

"Don't apologize." She made him look at her when she very aggressively grabbed his hand. The scarlet on both of their faces were going to remain there for at least a week.

"Whatever... whatever was about to happen-" Somehow she got redder, but determination to make a clear statement broke through it.

"It's okay. We got lost in the moment." They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, ad if searching them, after a moment that both seemed to find what they were looking for, and looked away.

"Y-yeah." He agreed, and after a moment of letting the tension subside, he slipped his hand into hers and sqeezed it gently.

"I'll help you clean up the mess downstairs."

Aphmau had completely forgotten about the aftermath of the party downstairs. And nearly jumped when it came back to the forefront of her mind.

"Right! Let's go then." She didn’t complain when he didn't let go of her hand, and they left the room, witch had strangly increased in temperature by a few degrees.

She blushed as she noticed, but said nothing as they made thier way down the stairs.

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