I Think of You as Family. (And Maybe More)

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Aphmau stepped into the house Aaron had built for them for the first time, her eyes running over every detail, it wasn't big, only a place to cook incased in brick and the strange choice of being half-stone half wood.

But looking at the layout it made a bit of sense, the fire was lit in the stone side, and the wood was were the beds were.

Aaron stepped in behind her, for now Lilith was with Zoey, who had essentially stolen her from them for the rest of the day, it was the first time they had both been together without her in quite awhile.

"Well, what do you think?" Aaron stood beside her, he was still embarrassed from earlier, she could tell, with Zoey implying that they'd conceived Lilith themselves.

"It's great! I thought the design was weird at first but now that I'm in here in makes more sense." She replied, walking around the new house and taking in every detail.

"Yeah, you weren't here so I couldn't get your opinion on it before. But I remember you saying you'd prefer something small." She sat on one of the two squishy beds, they were close but had enough room for someone to walk between them.

She looked at the gap for a moment, with his sword leaning up against the other beds bedframe.

"I don't think I've ever shared a room with anyone before." She hadn't meant to say it aloud, but now that she had, she looked back on her black haired freind, who looked uncharacteristicly sheepish.

"I can sleep in a tent and start planning separate rooms if it bothers you." He replied, he was standing awkwardly, everything about him seemed slightly out of character for him, perhaps he was nervous? Although Aphmau couldn't imagine why.

"We've shared a tent before, why would a room bother me?"

With a half-hidden smile he scoffed and shook his head, sitting on his bed across from her and rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Their conversations often ended like this, but neither of them minded, both of them seemed to dissolve into the comfortable silence, sitting in their own thoughts.

"I missed you." Aaron said suddenly, making Aphmau jump out of her thoughts, her eyes snapped to his, and she looked at him almost incredulously.

"I know looking after Lilith by yourself was probably rough, I didn't mean to be gone so long but I-"

"No." He clarified, not exactly meeting her gaze.

"I mean yes, it was harder, but that's not what I meant, I just... missed you." He hesitated on repeating himself, Aphmau left her heart fluttering but quickly shook it off.

"I-uh..." She fumbled over her words for a moment, taken slightly by surprise, Aaron had never been one to express much emotion, and hearing him be so blunt about it was surreal.

But she would have been lying if she said she didn't think about him as well, she missed his presence when she had went to Pheonix Drop, had often woken up expecting him to be asleep (or in his case, sitting up and getting ready for the day) in a bed beside her. And it was part of the reason she had wanted to head back as soon as possible.

"I missed you too, you and Lilith." He smiled at her, a normally rare thing but it was recently becoming more common, her heart fluttered again, this time enough that she couldn't really brush it away.

She knew this feeling, she wasn't stupid, Laurance and Garroth had been the main causes of it in the past, but with Garroth gone and Laurance becoming more distant, she was surprised when Aaron's smiles and few compliments drew them out of her again.

They were few and far between when he'd open up, so every laugh and smile made her feel special, like she was the only one that could draw him out of the armor he'd sealed himself inside for so long.

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