Ch. 4

98 4 2

3rd POV

(y/n) was sleeping soundly in her bed as she grumbled

Before the ship tilted causing her to fall out of bed and wake up.

"what is it this time...?" she grumbled and stood up, fixed her bed and stretched

'oh, it's 10 already... I guess breakfast is nothing now...' she thought as she get dressed, tied her hair into the usual half bun, and grabbed her sword.

She walked out and saw black mist... Wait, MIST?!

Everyone was fighting a physical mist, luffy was in his gear 4th and fought a what seemed to be God.

"what the-..." (y/n) was cut off by someone attempting to slice her

"wait..." it spoke.

'the mist spoke? Never knew mists had mouths!' she thought

"master." the mist formed and flew up to the God.

Maybe a small conversation ensued despite luffy trying to kill it, but still.

"my people" the God called as the mis 'goblins' disappeared and formed a cluster and formed yet ANOTHER GOD.

This God is tall and looked powerful as fuck.

(imagine any amalgamation of a God, since the only God I can imagine is reader)

"so you're the one... Huh?" it directed to (y/n)

It's voice was tripping and glitching, (y/n) didn't know it was for her so she pointed to herself as confirmation

"yes you. Are you humans stupid?"

"firstly, you don't even know me, even if you did, you should've called me by my name, and lastly, how do you know me?"

"I'm a God"

"oh no, that itself is clear but the last God I met is stupid and childlike." (y/n) shrugged, "do you know dreamXD?"

"dream- that destruction God? Of course I know him"

"yeah, I killed that bastard."

"you what?"

"not literally, I killed him in video games..."


"I know gods have like- human forms, and I killed him in video games, but still... He sucked at combat even in his God form" (y/n) shrugs.

"how dare you insult the almighty?!"

"I can insult anyone as long as they're worth insulting" (y/n) shrugged.

"why you--"

"and he didn't mind too"

"No one fucking asked!"


"You know what I hate? People who hurts others for fun" she grumbled

"So what?"

"It's either you leave or I kill you" (y/n) hummed

"You can't kill a god, mortal."



"Shit-" it cursed as (y/n) threw another punch

"I'm not even using a weapon at this point" (y/n) bragged

"Then use one!" It yelled and made a wind current to knock her back.

"Sure, if the god wants it,of course"

I don't know, maybe? (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now